Daniil Sokolyuk

Results 13 comments of Daniil Sokolyuk

All threads wait at that line ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2946286/85806237-250f0300-b757-11ea-941c-3fe8748a59e1.png)

Ok, thanks. Thanks for your work, this library really good parse user agents :)

Hello, SimpleRpc is a just middleware for asp,net core, asp.net core is [supports ](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-gb/aspnet/core/security/enforcing-ssl?view=aspnetcore-3.1&tabs=visual-studio) https

@pavel-b-novikov you can https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.type.getgenericparameterconstraints?view=netframework-4.8 I am using fluent api, and doesnt find how to define generic with fluent

@pavel-b-novikov `[TsGeneric]` does not generate TS constaints, that attribute remove generic and replace T with type, and now interfaces is broken ``` export interface PersonFilterWidget { Title: string; Items: Models.Common.PersonFilterWidgetItem[];...

Not supported, but works :)

@m0sa Sorry, i found problem Some *.cs files were encoded in 'windows-1251', i resave all files in utf8 and everything is working now but dotnet build, and vs studio build...

Get same problem on production after 7 days of work System.Web.HttpParseException (0x80004005): error CS0041: Unexpected error writing debug information -- 'The version of Windows PDB writer is older than required:...

Thanks for the detailed answer! > Ceras already serializes things like FieldInfo, PropertyInfo, Type (well, obviously since that's a fundamental requirement of supporting interfaces / inheritance :P), and also MethodInfo....

Using TypeConstruction.ByUninitialized, MethodModel not deserialized again 😃 , i think because setters in not public :)