Daniel Lo Nigro

Results 263 comments of Daniel Lo Nigro

I don't think we have one owner designated for the Yarn site, but it's mostly @Haroenv working on it these days. There's not really much happening with Yarn's site now,...

> I'm arguing that it's most beneficial to the users to support as far back as possible, For every new Yarn release, or just for some legacy series of releases?...

I don't think I'd have enough time to maintain older versions, unfortunately. It was just a suggestion of one possible approach - I certainly don't think that legacy Node.js versions...

> Do I win something for catching this? LOL 😆 The story behind that is that I rearranged the tabs such that they were in a (somewhat subjective) order of...

Hey, this is pretty clever. Does it work on older versions of Ubuntu and Debian? There's still many people using Ubuntu 14.04, unfortunately. Most places I've seen that add custom...

Interesting idea. The "deprecated" facet is a bit odd though... I would have just expected it to be a boolean, rather than showing deprecation messages: ![](https://d.sb/2019/08/firefox_03-21.32.22.png) In this case I...

Are you sure you ran `apt-get update` after adding the repo? `apt` and `apt-get` both use the same backend service so there shouldn't be a difference in how they behave....

@Haroenv Any ideas?

This is such a fantastic post. Thank you so much for writing it!

As a side note I'd suggest using actual videos rather than GIFs for things like this. Video files end up smaller, and GIFs usually aren't sufficiently high fidelity for bug...