Dan Chaltiel

Results 60 issues of Dan Chaltiel

I'm trying to follow [the tutorial](https://github.com/PhilJay/MPAndroidChart-Realm/wiki/Realm.io-database-integration#plotting-realm-data), but Android Studio cannot import any class named AxisValueFormatter. The guide stated to write this code : ``` Java AxisValueFormatter formatter = new AxisValueFormatter()...

`left_join()` seems to work but `as_flextable()` needs to look better. Check that `cols` is the same on both flextables. add a syntax in `by` maybe? It would be confusing with...


Hi Antoine, If you are trying to burgle a function, chances are that this function is in your Imports at the moment. In your sub-function on [line 27](https://github.com/moodymudskipper/burglr/blob/84c955de1d6f919fc287caca9e206609b25cf05b/R/main.R#L27), you explicitly...

Hi Antoine, Thanks again for this very nice package. There is a small but very surprising bug that occurs when a variable `x` is already declared in the global environment...

When using an unknown variable in `glue()`, the error message can be a little cryptic: ``` r library(glue) x=5 glue("x={x}") #> x=5 glue("w={w}") #> Error in eval(parse(text = text, keep.source...

Hi Thomas, If you use `plot_annotation` to annotate some plots and then wrap them into a patchwork, the annotations are dropped. Here is an example: ``` p1


Hi Thomas, In some algorithms, you need to set a plot to `NULL`. For instance, if you are making plots in a loop, the current plot may have no sense...

This is a very rare and minor bug. When testing warnings using `testthat`, some reprexes are missing the warning if the test was on the class of the warning: ```...

Hi, There is sometimes a mismatch between the p-values and the confidence intervals in `tidy.glm()` (cf. https://github.com/tidymodels/broom/issues/989 locked). Indeed, the default confidence interval are profile likelihood CIs, which are linked...

Here is a proposal for use cases in the documentation. This is in line with https://github.com/nanxstats/ggsci/issues/12 I never use base plots so you might be able to come with a...