Dan Chaltiel

Results 62 issues of Dan Chaltiel

```r #' @noRd #' @keywords internal missing_options_helper = function(){ options_found = dir("R/", full.names=T) %>% map(readLines) %>% map(~str_subset(.x, "getOption")) %>% keep(~length(.x)>0) %>% unlist() %>% str_extract_all("getOption\\((.*?)\\)") %>% unlist() %>% str_extract("getOption\\((.*?)(,(.*))?\\)", group=1) %>%...


`crosstable(mtcars) %>% af(header_show_n=T) ` `crosstable(mtcars, by=am) %>% af(by_header=F, header_show_n=T)`


BUG if percent_pattern is of length 1 ```r crosstable(mtcars2, am, by=vs, total="both", percent_pattern=list(total_all = "{n}")) %>% as_flextable(keep_id=TRUE) ``` ![image](https://github.com/DanChaltiel/crosstable/assets/15105152/c036998a-47f0-4aa1-9fe6-6804dd8684fb) BUG result has NA if percent_pattern has missing values ```r crosstable(mtcars2,...


Hi, Thanks for this wonderful package. Would it be possible to let the user choose the text alignment for each box? As for now, it seems that it is chosen...

### Please describe your feature request Hi, Thank you for this incredible package! I mostly use `box` to share small sets of documented functions when creating packages would be overkill....

✨ new feature

Hi, In some 3rd party-generated XPT files, Dates may be misconstructed, with the number of days being encoded as a string. This doesn't cause any trouble when using SAS or...


Hi, It is a bit unexpected that `lims()` consider the actual position of each point (after considering the dodge) and not its original position. This makes some points disappear while...


Hi, I recently discovered this great package, thank you very much for your work! I'm working with a package that outputs a list of dataframe from a database. However, the...

Hi, Using set operations like `setdiff` on dates removes the date class. Here is a reprex with a very naive workaround: ``` r library(lubridate) a = seq(as_date(1), as_date(10), by=1) b...

Hi, When you use `map_xxx()`, for instance `map_chr()`, the function `.f` should return a value of length exactly 1. While I agree that a value of length >1 is obviously...