Dan Chaltiel

Results 61 issues of Dan Chaltiel

``` mtcars2 %>% crosstable(mpg, by=c(am, vs)) %>% t() mtcars2 %>% mutate(am_vs = paste(am, vs, sep="__")) %>% crosstable(mpg, by=c(am_vs)) %>% t() %>% separate(am_vs, into=c("am", "vs"), sep="__") ```


Using str_replace was definitely not clever... ``` r tibble(a=c("blabal", "MENACE")) %>% crosstable() # A tibble: 2 x 4 .id label variable value 1 a a blabal 1 (50%) 2 a...


``` r library(dplyr) library(crosstable) mtcars2 %>% mutate(x="label") %>% crosstable(am, by=x) #> # A tibble: 2 x 3 #> .id label variable #> #> 1 am Transmission auto #> 2 am...


`mtcars2 %>% mutate(mpg=as.numeric(mpg)) %>% crosstable(2:4) %>% af(T)` Redundant on `mpg` Just check that `name == label`?


Hi, Here is a reprex: ```r #' Function X #' @inherit y return #' @export x = function() 1 #' Function Y #' @return a value #' @export y =...

This is a tiny PR to clarify that you can use `use_rstudio_prefs()` as a getter in some cases.

Hi, First, thanks for this great package! I wondered if there was a way to tweak your geoms in order to add "simple" patterns like the dotted one (similar to...

Use `set_table_properties(layout = "autofit")` instead


replace `.showNA = showNA == "always" || showNA == "ifany" && (anyNA(x))` by `.showNA = showNA == "always" || showNA == "ifany" && (anyNA(x) || anyNA(levels(x)))` reprex: ``` debugonce(crosstable:::summarize_categorical_single) a...


Hi, It is quite a natural interface to select the last sheet using a negative integer or infinite, one that I've seen in many packages. Moreover, as noticed in https://github.com/tidyverse/readxl/issues/710,...