solved! _mmdet/ops/dcn/src/deform_conv_cuda.cpp#L433_ ``gradOutputBuffer = gradOutputBuffer.view({batchSize / im2col_step, nOutputPlane, im2col_step * outputHeight, outputWidth});`` change to: ``gradOutputBuffer =gradOutputBuffer.contiguous().view({batchSize / im2col_step, nOutputPlane, im2col_step * outputHeight, outputWidth});``
Framework: TensorFlow Not Supported OP: ELU
@smtabatabaie Hi, Have you found a useful and effective web ar tool?We are also looking for kits that can actually implement AR on the web. Like you, we also found...
Test on tennis, you can save the results to the local, like this > 46 try: 47 ''' 48 init_rect = cv2.selectROI('SiamMask', ims[0], False, False) 49 x, y, w, h...
@beshining You may have to download and compile the caffe version of Faster-RCNN first.