SiamMask copied to clipboard
cannot connect to X server
load pretrained model from SiamMask_DAVIS.pth [2019-03-10 04:08:45, 25] remove prefix 'module.' [2019-03-10 04:08:45, 18] used keys:356 : cannot connect to X server
load pretrained model from SiamMask_DAVIS.pth [2019-03-10 04:08:45, 25] remove prefix 'module.' [2019-03-10 04:08:45, 18] used keys:356 : cannot connect to X server
I got the same error message too!
load pretrained model from SiamMask_DAVIS.pth [2019-03-10 04:08:45, 25] remove prefix 'module.' [2019-03-10 04:08:45, 18] used keys:356 : cannot connect to X server
you must run on the server. you should run on desktop linux or $: xhost +$HOSTNAME
@Adhders will this work in google colab?
Test on tennis, you can save the results to the local, like this
46 try:
47 '''
48 init_rect = cv2.selectROI('SiamMask', ims[0], False, False)
49 x, y, w, h = init_rect
50 '''
51 x, y, w, h = 300, 110, 165, 250
69 '''
70 cv2.polylines(im, [np.int0(location).reshape((-1, 1, 2))], True, (0, 255, 0), 3)
71 cv2.imshow('SiamMask', im)
72 key = cv2.waitKey(1)
73 if key > 0:
74 break
75 '''
76 ##chegf write
77 name = './output/' + str(f).zfill(5) + '.jpg'
78 cv2.imwrite(name, im)
[2019-03-14 16:11:28, 31] load pretrained model from SiamMask_DAVIS.pth [2019-03-14 16:11:31, 25] remove prefix 'module.' [2019-03-14 16:11:31, 18] used keys:356 QObject::moveToThread: Current thread (0x55a9951de170) is not the object's thread (0x55a9379f0ff0). Cannot move to target thread (0x55a9951de170)
QObject::moveToThread: Current thread (0x55a9951de170) is not the object's thread (0x55a9379f0ff0). Cannot move to target thread (0x55a9951de170)
what can we do to solve this in a efficient way ?
This issue can be solved by the method DHNicoles mentioned above, plus, line 38
cv2.namedWindow("SiamMask", cv2.WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN)
should also be uncommented.
This issue is because you run the code on a server which can not show windows and display.
This issue can be solved by the method DHNicoles mentioned above, plus, line 38
cv2.namedWindow("SiamMask", cv2.WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN)
should also be uncommented. This issue is because you run the code on a server which can not show windows and display.
yea,Thanks。 It is works ! But, it only show that " SiamMask Time: 2.0s Speed: 35.3fps (with visulization!) "
just it? Anything else , pic? result file?
This issue can be solved by the method DHNicoles mentioned above, plus, line 38
cv2.namedWindow("SiamMask", cv2.WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN)
should also be uncommented. This issue is because you run the code on a server which can not show windows and display.yea,Thanks。 It is works ! But, it only show that " SiamMask Time: 2.0s Speed: 35.3fps (with visulization!) " just it? Anything else , pic? result file?
You should save frames with result visualization, and then transmit them to your local machine to see the results. @huangpan2507
This issue can be solved by the method DHNicoles mentioned above, plus, line 38
cv2.namedWindow("SiamMask", cv2.WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN)
should also be uncommented. This issue is because you run the code on a server which can not show windows and display.yea,Thanks。 It is works ! But, it only show that " SiamMask Time: 2.0s Speed: 35.3fps (with visulization!) " just it? Anything else , pic? result file?
You should save frames with result visualization, and then transmit them to your local machine to see the results. @huangpan2507
OK ,Thanks. I mkdir output under the root ".../SiamMask-master/experiments/siammask_sharp/ " and run The result are 65 pics