Jordan Dominion

Results 74 issues of Jordan Dominion

I was looking for another action since it seemed this one didn't support it but it does. Please add it to the README.

Calling the new `stop` API mentioned in the release notes:

``` 2023-12-20T13:06:55.7153494-05:00 [DEBG] opendream: Finished world topic #4 2023-12-20T13:06:55.7153948-05:00 [DEBG] opendream: World Topic #5: '' -> 'tgs_data=%7b%22commandType%22%3a1%2c%22eventNotification%22%3a%7b%22type%22%3a14%2c%22parameters%22%3a%5b%5d%7d%2c%22accessIdentifier%22%3a%22J%2b2OryrzD6ykYSaMlYgzrTx3P14DbXwlBcZeHtn1%22%7d' 2023-12-20T13:06:55.7154238-05:00 [INFO] world.log: Topic (sleep_offline: 0): tgs_data=%7b%22commandType%22%3a1%2c%22eventNotification%22%3a%7b%22type%22%3a14%2c%22parameters%22%3a%5b%5d%7d%2c%22accessIdentifier%22%3a%22J%2b2OryrzD6ykYSaMlYgzrTx3P14DbXwlBcZeHtn1%22%7d 2023-12-20T13:06:55.7154302-05:00 [INFO] world.log: TGS DEBUG: OnTopic()...

The behavior is now the same for either `spawn` or `sleep`: - `delay < 0`: Proc will continue immediately if nothing is scheduled in the same tick. Otherwise, same as...

Merge Conflict

Enabled via CVar `opendream.code_coverage_file` which specifies the output file location. CWD is assumed to contain the sources. Content.Tests generate coverage files. This can _potentially_ be uploaded to [I couldn't...

Merge Conflict

``` [FATL] unhandled: System.ArgumentException: The value cannot be an empty string. (Parameter 'path') at System.ArgumentException.ThrowNullOrEmptyException(String argument, String paramName) at System.IO.Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(String path) at OpenDreamRuntime.Resources.DreamResourceManager.Initialize(String rootPath, String[] resources) in C:\e02b8011-d5ba-4bcd-a8eb-20a5d386ee18\OpenDreamRuntime\Resources\DreamResourceManager.cs:line 38 at...


Fixes #355 Also splits SHOULD_NOT_SLEEP and SHOULD_BE_PURE tests and adds a minor improvement to the test helpers in that it shows more info where it wouldn't when `panic`ing

``` /datum/braced{ var/a; /proc/foo() return ``` 0 errors in langserver on a test project
