Christian Chiarulli

Results 71 comments of Christian Chiarulli

Thanks, testing it should be as easy as dropping the finished product in your `lua/` directory



![image]( I think one of these require statements in this case

I can't seem to reproduce, maybe it was the recent telescope update? I have an older version on my other computer I'll give it a shot on there. If I...

I think it's due to the syntax being used here: ``` require "user.keymaps" require "user.plugins" require "user.autocommands" require "user.colorscheme" require "user.cmp" require "user.navic" require "user.lsp-inlayhints" require "user.lsp" ``` If I...

Inline seems to work: ![image]( Blocks are formatted but not in there own highlighted code block: ![image](

ueberzug may be helpful for this on linux

seems to be a copilot thing:, closing

We need a official release before creating a package, so I'm prioritizing features for a stable official release right now.