Christian Chiarulli

Results 81 comments of Christian Chiarulli

It's possible I mixed this up with autotag, you can check with the plugin owner to be certain.

Yea I'm trying to use both and getting a name collision for the plugin names because I want to use both.

Yea I forked the VSCode easymotion plugin and I'm using that for now.

> Can you help find which commit is the last one that works as expected? I'll probably have time later this week to test out a few

pair it it with vim-rooter maybe?

I haven't noticed an error or warning on 0.7, how can I reproduce this?

@pchaos it's not a npm package. Make sure you :LspInstallInfo and press `i` on sumneko

I really like this since it leverages rg's ability to use the `.gitignore` file rather than having to specify a `farignore` file.

Yup that fixes it, nice work!