galaxyline.nvim copied to clipboard
share your custom galaxyline
Hey need some screenshots in README. You can share your custom galaxyline screenshots in here and you can add the link .
would be good to have "defaults" themes out of the box or organize in a new repository.
Sounds good. The purpose of galaxyline is to allow users to freely customize any status bar they want. So I provided the highlight keyword, considering that not everyone would be willing to spend time on configure colors, maybe a default theme can be provided, but it is simple. just merge highlight of each section with default theme.
The eviline with rounded sep, find it more elegant
I based my configuration off of evilline
, but I streamlined a bit of the function logic for the custom providers and added the mode text back. Here's a screenshot:
Here's the code.
Edit: I updated the image to reflect some changes over the past day. It's a pretty impressive plugin! I was surprised by how well you can reorganize things in order to change the effects.
Edit 2: Updated again, added changing colors according to filetype and more adapting to short windows.
Evilline with coc-lsp status
How can I get the Version of Python Interpreter and the name of Virtualenv like vim-airline?
Evilline with coc-lsp status
Could you please to share your code?
@AlanJui I've updated my comment. Maybe I should make a pull request for coc-lsp, so it work out of a box.
My statusline made to look as close as possible to spacemac's statusline
Edit: opening file with system shell shebang will now return the actual system shell (ex bash or dash) and if python shebang doesn't give version number then it will return python --version.
minimalist fork of Th3Whit3Wolf's variant
I am seeing a ton of examples here where people have a mapping from a vim mode to a color. No one is handing visual block mode in the posted configs (or I don't know how to see how they are). Does anyone have any idea how to set a key that would capture visual block? Here is my current config.
local mode_color = {
-- normal
n = colors.cyan,
no = colors.cyan,
-- selection
s = colors.dark_yellow,
-- insert
i =,
-- visual
V = colors.yellow,
v = colors.yellow,
['^V'] = colors.yellow, -- <- here is the problem child
c = colors.purple,
-- terminal
t =
I have tried several different values there and nothing seems to come through. If I do print(vim.fn.mode())
when I am in visual block ^V
shows up in a blue color in my output. So I feel like it should work but there must be more to it.
@skbolton check here
local mode_color = {
n = 'DarkGoldenrod2',
i = 'chartreuse3',
v = 'gray',
[""] = 'gray',
V = 'gray',
c = 'plum3',
no = 'DarkGoldenrod2',
s = 'SkyBlue2',
S = 'SkyBlue2',
[""] = 'SkyBlue2',
ic = 'chartreuse3',
R = 'purple',
Rv = 'purple',
cv = 'plum3',
ce = 'plum3',
r = 'chocolate',
rm = 'chocolate',
["r?"] = 'chocolate',
["!"] = 'plum3',
t = 'plum3'
@Th3Whit3Wolf copied all of your keys for the different modes and put in my colors. When I go into Visual Block <c-v>
I get errors because reading from that map returns nil. Do you use visual block mode?
@glepnir Looks like they have all the same ones you have in your snippet. Do you know which one is supposed to be for visual block mode?
Here are configs: galaxyline, colors
@Th3Whit3Wolf copied all of your keys for the different modes and put in my colors. When I go into Visual Block
I get errors because reading from that map returns nil. Do you use visual block mode?@glepnir Looks like they have all the same ones you have in your snippet. Do you know which one is supposed to be for visual block mode?
@skbolton :help mode()
is your best friend 👍🏼
@richin13 I checked that before posting this issue. For visual block mode it says it returns CTRL-V
. I have tried so many versions of listing this as a key and none of them seem to work.
["CTRL-V"] = colors.yellow,
["^v"] = colors.yellow,
["^V"] = colors.yellow,
["CTRL_V"] = colors.yellow,
["CTRL-v"] = colors.yellow,
["ctrl-v"] = colors.yellow
The help docs highlight CTRL-V
differently so thats what lead me to believe that I needed to list it as ["^V"]
@kraftwerk28 what happens when you go into visual block mode <C-v>
? I don't think your [''] = ...
mapping works.
output is ^V
,but you can use ^V
this to match visual mode,Because there are some escaping here, the above code snippet should work.
Yeah I was thinking ['^V'] = ...
was the one that would work and its the first one I tried. But it doesn't work.
@skbolton yeah, you want lua strings/char, not vim strings/char for table keys. or this way, but i suggest use above code snippet
local aliases
22 = V_BLOCK,
86 = VISUAL,
105 = INSERT,
110 = NORMAL,
Sorry not following @glepnir what you mean by the above snippet? Also sorry for commandeering this issue. I can create a new one if you'd like
local mode_color = { n = 'DarkGoldenrod2', i = 'chartreuse3', v = 'gray', ["�"] = 'gray', V = 'gray', c = 'plum3', no = 'DarkGoldenrod2', s = 'SkyBlue2', S = 'SkyBlue2', ["�"] = 'SkyBlue2', ic = 'chartreuse3', R = 'purple', Rv = 'purple', cv = 'plum3', ce = 'plum3', r = 'chocolate', rm = 'chocolate', ["r?"] = 'chocolate', ["!"] = 'plum3', t = 'plum3' }
these code .hmm This is the upstream implementation, so you should report to neovim
Sounds good thanks @glepnir
Small update. @glepnir help me figure out automatic switching between light and dark colorschemes so I thought I'd post a something here.
seems like pretty good. BTW now galaxyline async load some providers that taks a lot of startuptime. so now is fastest.
Please create a new issue not ask in here.
Here is mine. Lightline style'ish Gruvbox colorscheme.
Thank you @glepnir for an amazing tool (waiting patiently for Thank you @kraftwerk28 for your ideas and approach (took your cfg as a reference).
@horseinthesky you can use <image>
tag to wrap your pic url.
Small update. @glepnir help me figure out automatic switching between light and dark colorschemes so I thought I'd post a something here.
Can you share more on this? Are you loading theme color data from a toml file into your theme and refreshing neovim?
I have a function like this
function M.Color(val)
return function()
local dark = {
bg = "#282c34",
bg2 = "#212026",
base = "#b2b2b2",
comp = "#c56ec3",
func = "#bc6ec5",
act1 = "#222226",
DarkGoldenrod2 = "#eead0e", -- normal / unmodified
chartreuse3 = "#66cd00", --insert
SkyBlue2 = "#7ec0ee", -- modified
chocolate = "#d2691e", -- replace
gray = "#bebebe", -- visual
plum3 = "#cd96cd", -- read-only / motion
yellow = "#fabd2f",
cyan = "#008080",
darkblue = "#081633",
green = "#afd700",
orange = "#FF8800",
purple = "#5d4d7a", --act2
magenta = "#d16d9e",
grey = "#c0c0c0",
blue = "#0087d7",
red = "#ec5f67",
comments = "#2aa1ae",
head1 = "#4f97d7",
error = "#e0211d", --err
warning = "#dc752f", -- war
info = "#4f97d7" -- keyword
local light = {
bg = "#fbf8ef",
bg2 = "#efeae9",
base = "#655370",
comp = "#6c4173",
act1 = "#e7e5eb",
func = "#6c3163",
DarkGoldenrod2 = "#eead0e", -- normal / unmodified
chartreuse3 = "#66cd00", --insert
SkyBlue2 = "#7ec0ee", -- modified
chocolate = "#d2691e", -- replace
gray = "#bebebe", -- visual
plum3 = "#cd96cd", -- read-only / motion
yellow = "#fabd2f",
cyan = "#008080",
darkblue = "#081633",
green = "#afd700",
orange = "#FF8800",
purple = "#d3d3e7", --act2
magenta = "#d16d9e",
grey = "#c0c0c0",
blue = "#0087d7",
red = "#ec5f67",
comments = "#2aa1ae",
head1 = "#3a81c3",
error = "#e0211d", -- err
warning = "#dc752f", -- war
info = "#3a81c3"
if vim.o.background ~= nil and vim.o.background == "light" then
if light[val] ~= nil then
return light[val]
return light.error
elseif vim.o.background ~= nil and vim.o.background == "dark" then
if dark[val] ~= nil then
return dark[val]
return dark.error
And I call it like this
local c = require("plugins.statusline.colors")
gls.right[1] = {
FileFormat = {
provider = fileFormat,
highlight = {c.Color('base'), c.Color('purple')}
gls.right[2] = {
LineInfo = {
provider = lineColumn,
separator = " | ",
separator_highlight = {c.Color('base'), c.Color('purple')},
highlight = {c.Color('base'), c.Color('purple')}
gls.right[3] = {
PerCent = {
provider = linePercent,
separator = i.slant.Left,
separator_highlight = {c.Color('act1'), c.Color('purple')},
highlight = {c.Color('base'), c.Color('act1')}
nvim conf
now support mid section like this
LSP symbol is very good
hmm I think you should use english in github :)
hmm I think you should use english in github :)
ok,I'm sorry
Is there any galaxyline theme that automatically adapts to any colorscheme? I've tried using terminal colors, like:
local colors = {
bg = vim.g.terminal_color_0,
fg = vim.g.terminal_color_15,
section_bg = vim.g.terminal_color_12,
blue = vim.g.terminal_color_12,
green = vim.g.terminal_color_10,
purple = vim.g.terminal_color_13,
orange = vim.g.terminal_color_11,
red1 = vim.g.terminal_color_9,
red2 = vim.g.terminal_color_9,
yellow = vim.g.terminal_color_3,
gray1 = '#5c6370',
gray2 = '#2c323d',
gray3 = '#3e4452',
darkgrey = '#5c6370',
grey = '#848586',
middlegrey = '#8791A5'
But it relies on the colorscheme having defined terminal colors, and many colorschemes don't do it. Is there any other way?
hmm colorscheme should support terminal_color.
Is there any galaxyline theme that automatically adapts to any colorscheme? I've tried using terminal colors, like:
local colors = { bg = vim.g.terminal_color_0, fg = vim.g.terminal_color_15, section_bg = vim.g.terminal_color_12, blue = vim.g.terminal_color_12, green = vim.g.terminal_color_10, purple = vim.g.terminal_color_13, orange = vim.g.terminal_color_11, red1 = vim.g.terminal_color_9, red2 = vim.g.terminal_color_9, yellow = vim.g.terminal_color_3, gray1 = '#5c6370', gray2 = '#2c323d', gray3 = '#3e4452', darkgrey = '#5c6370', grey = '#848586', middlegrey = '#8791A5' }
But it relies on the colorscheme having defined terminal colors, and many colorschemes don't do it. Is there any other way?
You could try getting the color value of highlight groups.
For example to get the value of the foreground for the Normal
highlight group.
local normal = vim.fn.synIDattr(vim.fn.synIDtrans(vim.fn.hlID("Normal")), "fg#")
I created a simple status line
I have a somewhat minimal galaxyline that I love, dearly. Colors change on theme toggle:
Source code here.
Shoutout to @Th3Whit3Wolf and @glepnir. Their comments on #68 were a great source of inspiration.
EDIT: Huge shoutout to @disrupted for the epic Lua dotfiles - I've followed them line by line
Does anyone know why eviline has different background colors where there is no component compared to @glepnir's screenshots?
Correct (above in this thread):
Please check the following settings.
:highlight StatusLine
You will need to set the same value for galaxyline's bg and guibg.
Proposal: why don't we (or @glepnir) define a format for a default palette, e.g. a base16 one, to be used by ALL galaxyline configs? This would allow much easier theming by creating a per-theme galaxyline palette valid for all configs.
Proposal: why don't we (or @glepnir) define a format for a default palette, e.g. a base16 one, to be used by ALL galaxyline configs? This would allow much easier theming by creating a per-theme galaxyline palette valid for all configs.
I think that's a great idea that would allow to reuse configurations without having to change all colors manually.
Currently (to tackle this issue) I am using the color file from the gruvbox plugin, which defines 36 colors : 16 dark, 16 light, and two additional "hard" and "soft" for both light and dark theme.
Maybe this feature could be mirrored by allowing galaxy palette to have a light and a dark theme ? (with a default one ?). I know that some people like to switching between light and dark according to the time, might try this one day, and having colorscheme providing both dark and light colors could help to provide this feature I wonder if hard and soft fg colors are useful, though (it's used for changing contrast). But it could also be optional.
edit : it could also be solved by using the colors defined in the vim colorscheme, as already mentionned in previous comments
edit : it could also be solved by using the colors defined in the vim colorscheme, as already mentionned in previous comments #12 (comment)
Yeah, that was something I was trying to setup, but results greatly vary in quality with this approach. Terminal colors aren't always defined in colorschemes (especially older ones), and syntax colors are way too subjective to base such a feature upon. But maybe I just didn't find the right settings, if you can get a decent combination please share!
Using the custom ShowLspClient
element from eviline.lua
, I struggle to get it to update when I have a Python and a Lua buffer open at the same time.
If I restore a session and the first buffer displayed is Lua then I see sumneko_lua
. Then if I move to the Python buffer I just see No Active Lsp
. Conversely, I start in the python buffer then I see pyright
and then No active Lsp
in the Lua file.
The Lsp's are fully working in both files though.
@olimorris fixed now.
@metalelf0 @koalp about theme check here
you can create pr for your favorite theme.i will merge.
config here , Its still incomplete tho . I want to add this same statusline for inactive windows as well but colorless
One feature of my status bar is that I can use the ! key to toggle the information.
I wonder if there is an example not using nerd font?
@mfiano could you please share your config?
@peach-lasagna I worked around it, but here it is:
Please someone can tell me how i can insert datimetime in async mode. Thanks
@sphynx79 show time in statusline right?
Here is a lua example
gls.left[1] = {
ViMode = {
provider = function()
return ' ' .. ' ' ..'%H:%M') .. ' '
highlight = {colors.background,},
separator = " ",
separator_highlight = {colors.lightBackground, colors.lightBackground}
This is what you want pretty much'%H:%M')
Here are the docs on time and date formatting in lua

This plugin is amazing! Thanks @glepnir! I have never seen a status line so easy to customize. With just a little work, I managed to setup this line with asynchronous weather information:


@ronisbr Share the code pls.
@ronisbr Share the code pls.
Yes sure! I just need to clean the code and I will submit to my GitHub repository. I will edit this comment when I do this (hopefully today!).
@horseinthesky Done! Sorry for the delay. You can see how I did this in this repository:
The fastest and easiest customize status line plugin. Thanks author and everyone for show cases
I'm nearly finished a version I'm happy with, one thing I'm trying to figure out is how to dynamically change the text colour. The right most text here is currently black on blue "40[40]". The first number is the current cursor column the second number in square brackets is the overall length of the current line. I'd like to change the colours as you type, so amber when you hit 80 characters and red when you hit 100 chars, for example. Any help appreciated.
When its working I'll post the config.
What if you create a highlight like:
highlight = 'MyHighlight',
And in the provider function you change the color to the one you want using:
vim.cmd('highlight MyHighlight guifg=' .. color .. ' guibg='..colors.section_bg)
Thanks, that worked a treat, here is a snippet from my config: My full configuration is here
local lineLengthWarning = 80
local lineLengthError = 120
c = c+1
gls.right[c] = {
CursorColumn = {
provider = function()
if (vim.fn.col('.') > lineLengthWarning)
if (vim.fn.col('.') > lineLengthError)
vim.cmd('highlight LinePosHighlight guifg=' .. colors.linelongfg .. ' guibg=' .. colors.linelongbg)
vim.cmd('highlight LinePosHighlight guifg=' .. colors.linelongwarnfg .. ' guibg=' .. colors.linelongbg)
vim.cmd('highlight LinePosHighlight guifg=' .. colors.lineokfg .. ' guibg=' .. colors.lineokbg)
return " " .. vim.fn.col('.')
separator = '⇔ ',
separator_highlight = {colors.statsicon, colors.statsbg},
highlight = 'LinePosHighlight'
c = c+1
gls.right[c] = {
LineLength = {
provider = function()
if (vim.fn.strwidth(vim.fn.getline('.')) > lineLengthWarning)
if (vim.fn.strwidth(vim.fn.getline('.')) > lineLengthError)
vim.cmd('highlight LineLenHighlight guifg=' .. colors.linelongfg .. ' guibg=' .. colors.linelongbg)
vim.cmd('highlight LineLenHighlight guifg=' .. colors.linelongwarnfg .. ' guibg=' .. colors.linelongbg)
vim.cmd('highlight LineLenHighlight guifg=' .. colors.lineokfg .. ' guibg=' .. colors.lineokbg)
return "[" .. vim.fn.strwidth(vim.fn.getline('.')) .. "] "
highlight = 'LineLenHighlight'
could you please share your code for this
could you please share your code for this Found in Lunar Vim
My version of galaxyline, including modified colorschemes to properly match with solarized (dark+light) and gruvbox (dark+light). I'm not always using galaxyline providers as some did not provide the desired on-demand live toggling. Instead i've included small functions within sections to give me finer control of changing statusline components on the fly.
A few rough guidelines for myself:
- I don't like large movements in the statusline
- I like multi-use statusline components (for instance, changing colours while text stays put) to maintain point 1.
- I try to find a balance between contrasting colours and readability. Favouring higher contrast for the more important indicators
- I don't like repetition, however i'm also lazy, so i'm sure there are some optimisations left in that space
From left to right (roughly)
- left
- VIM mode indicator
- colors change depending on mode
- letter changes depending on mode
- Window number the currently opened buffer resides in
- indicator :: paste mode
- indicator :: spelling check
- indicator (multi-use) :: trailing whitespace | mixed indent (spaces+tabs)
- git branch (if opened buffer resides in git directory, otherwise show dots)
- branch name of current checked out git branch
- git status (only shows up when opened buffer resides in git repository)
- git additions (green if != 0)
- git changes (yellow / orange if != 0)
- git deletions (red if != 0)
- VIM mode indicator
- middle
- file icon
- changes colour depending on :: modified, readonly, modifiable
- file name
- shows full absolute path (excluding home folder component) when screen width > 150 lines
- shows file name when screen width < 150 lines
- shows a hyphen if screen width == 0
- file icon
- right
- LSP status (only shows up when opened buffer is attached to LSP client)
- diagnostic error (red if != 0)
- diagnostic warning (yellow / orange if != 0)
- diagnostic information (blue if != 0)
- diagnostic hint (green if != 0)
- LSP details (if opened buffer is attached to LSP client, otherwise show dots)
- number of LSP clients attached to buffer
- LSP client name (if there are +1 clients attached to the buffer, it picks the name of the LSP client with the lowest LSP client ID, or first -defined- LSP client. Therefore; LSP client order matters)
- file size
value or "indent level" of opened buffer - file type of opened buffer
- if opened buffer is not utf-8 encoded the filetype name lights up with a slightly off colour
- file format of opened buffer, depicted with an icon (dos, mac, unix)
- position of cursor in opened buffer shown as
- position of cursor in opened buffer shown as a percentage
- LSP status (only shows up when opened buffer is attached to LSP client)
file :: ~/.config/nvim/lua/galaxyline-nvim.lua :: loaded via tjdevries/astronauta.nvim
require ('galaxyline').short_line_list = {
local vi_mode_mapping = {
[''] = {'Empty', '-'},
['!'] = {'Shell', '-'},
['^V'] = {'CommonVisual', 'B'}, -- NOTE: You'll have to remove '^V' and input a 'real' '^V' sequence. You can do that with the following key sequence: <SHIFT-i> + <CTRL-v> + <CTRL-v> (don't be slow with the double <CTRL-v>)
['R'] = {'Replace', 'R'},
['Rv'] = {'Normal', '-'},
['S'] = {'Normal', '-'},
['V'] = {'CommonVisual', 'L'},
['c'] = {'Command', 'C'},
['ce'] = {'Normal', '-'},
['cv'] = {'Normal', '-'},
['i'] = {'Insert', 'I'},
['ic'] = {'Normal', '-'},
['n'] = {'Normal', 'N'},
['no'] = {'Normal', '-'},
['r'] = {'Normal', '-'},
['r?'] = {'Normal', '-'},
['rm'] = {'Normal', '-'},
['s'] = {'Normal', '-'},
['t'] = {'Terminal', 'T'},
['v'] = {'CommonVisual', 'V'}
require ('galaxyline').section.left = {
LeftViModeColourSet = {
provider = function()
if vi_mode_mapping[vim.fn.mode()] == nil then
vim.api.nvim_command("highlight link GalaxyViModeColourUnturned GalaxyViModeEmptyUnturned")
vim.api.nvim_command("highlight link GalaxyViModeColourInverted GalaxyViModeEmptyInverted")
vim.api.nvim_command("highlight link GalaxyViModeColourUnturned GalaxyViMode" .. vi_mode_mapping[vim.fn.mode()][1] .. "Unturned")
vim.api.nvim_command("highlight link GalaxyViModeColourInverted GalaxyViMode" .. vi_mode_mapping[vim.fn.mode()][1] .. "Inverted")
LeftViModeSeparator = {
highlight = 'GalaxyViModeColourUnturned',
provider = function()
return ' '
LeftViMode = {
highlight = 'GalaxyViModeColourUnturned',
provider = function()
if vi_mode_mapping[vim.fn.mode()] == nil then
return ' -'
return ' ' .. string.format('%s', vi_mode_mapping[vim.fn.mode()][2])
separator = ' ',
separator_highlight = 'GalaxyViModeColourUnturned'
LeftWindowNumberSeparator = {
highlight = 'GalaxyViModeColourUnturned',
provider = function()
return ''
separator = ' ',
separator_highlight = 'GalaxyViModeColourUnturned'
LeftWindowNumber = {
highlight = 'GalaxyViModeColourUnturned',
provider = function()
return ' ' .. vim.api.nvim_win_get_number(vim.api.nvim_get_current_win())
separator = ' ',
separator_highlight = 'GalaxyViModeColourUnturned'
LeftStatusSeparator = {
highlight = 'GalaxyViModeColourInverted',
provider = function()
return ''
separator = ' ',
separator_highlight = 'GalaxyViModeColourInverted'
LeftStatusPaste = {
highlight = 'GalaxyMapperCommon6',
provider = function()
if vim.o.paste then
return ''
return ''
separator = ' ',
separator_highlight = 'GalaxyMapperCommon6',
LeftStatusSpell = {
highlight = 'GalaxyMapperCommon6',
provider = function()
if vim.wo.spell then
return '暈'
return ' '
separator = ' ',
separator_highlight = 'GalaxyMapperCommon6'
LeftStatusMixedIndentWhiteSpace = {
provider = function()
vim.cmd('match none /\t/')
if[[\v(^\t+)]], 'nw') ~= 0 and[[\v(^ +)]], 'nw') ~= 0 then
vim.cmd('highlight link GalaxyLeftStatusMixedIndentWhiteSpace GalaxyMapperCommon6')
vim.cmd('match ErrorMsg /\t/')
return ' '
if'\\s$', 'nw') ~= 0 then
vim.cmd('highlight link GalaxyLeftStatusMixedIndentWhiteSpace GalaxyMapperCommon6')
return 'ﲕ '
if[[\v(^\t+)]], 'nw') ~= 0 then
vim.cmd('highlight link GalaxyLeftStatusMixedIndentWhiteSpace GalaxyMapperCommon8')
vim.cmd('highlight link GalaxyLeftStatusMixedIndentWhiteSpace GalaxyMapperCommon6')
return ' '
separator = ' ',
separator_highlight = 'GalaxyMapperCommon6'
LeftGitSeparator = {
highlight = 'GalaxyMapperCommon6',
provider = function()
return ''
separator = ' ',
separator_highlight = 'GalaxyMapperCommon6'
LeftGitBranch = {
highlight = 'GalaxyMapperCommon6',
provider = function()
if require('galaxyline.condition').check_git_workspace() then
return ' ' .. require('galaxyline.provider_vcs').get_git_branch()
return ' '
separator = ' ',
separator_highlight = 'GalaxyMapperCommon6'
LeftGitDiffSeparator = {
highlight = 'GalaxyMapperCommon1',
provider = function()
return ''
separator = ' ',
separator_highlight = 'GalaxyMapperCommon1',
LeftGitDiffAdd = {
condition = require("galaxyline.condition").check_git_workspace,
provider = function()
if require('galaxyline.provider_vcs').diff_add() then
vim.cmd('highlight link GalaxyLeftGitDiffAdd GalaxyLeftGitDiffAddActive')
return '+' .. require('galaxyline.provider_vcs').diff_add()
vim.cmd('highlight link GalaxyLeftGitDiffAdd GalaxyLeftGitDiffInactive')
return '+0 '
LeftGitDiffModified= {
condition = require("galaxyline.condition").check_git_workspace,
provider = function()
if require('galaxyline.provider_vcs').diff_modified() then
vim.cmd('highlight link GalaxyLeftGitDiffModified GalaxyLeftGitDiffModifiedActive')
return '~' .. require('galaxyline.provider_vcs').diff_modified()
vim.cmd('highlight link GalaxyLeftGitDiffModified GalaxyLeftGitDiffInactive')
return '~0 '
LeftGitDiffRemove = {
condition = require("galaxyline.condition").check_git_workspace,
provider = function()
if require('galaxyline.provider_vcs').diff_remove() then
vim.cmd('highlight link GalaxyLeftGitDiffRemove GalaxyLeftGitDiffRemoveActive')
return '-' .. require('galaxyline.provider_vcs').diff_remove()
vim.cmd('highlight link GalaxyLeftGitDiffRemove GalaxyLeftGitDiffInactive')
return '-0 '
require ('galaxyline').section.mid = {
MidFileStatus = {
provider = function()
if then
vim.cmd('highlight link GalaxyMidFileStatus GalaxyMidFileStatusModified')
elseif not then
vim.cmd('highlight link GalaxyMidFileStatus GalaxyMidFileStatusRestricted')
elseif then
vim.cmd('highlight link GalaxyMidFileStatus GalaxyMidFileStatusReadonly')
elseif not then
vim.cmd('highlight link GalaxyMidFileStatus GalaxyMidFileStatusUnmodified')
if require('nvim-web-devicons').get_icon(vim.fn.expand('%:e')) then
return require('nvim-web-devicons').get_icon(vim.fn.expand('%:e')) .. ' '
elseif not then
return ' '
separator = ' ',
separator_highlight = 'GalaxyMapperCommon5'
MidFileName = {
highlight = 'GalaxyMapperCommon5',
provider = function()
if #vim.fn.expand '%:p' == 0 then
return '-'
if vim.fn.winwidth(0) > 150 then
return vim.fn.expand '%:~'
return vim.fn.expand '%:t'
require ('galaxyline').section.right = {
RightLspError = {
provider = function()
if #vim.tbl_keys(vim.lsp.buf_get_clients()) <= 0 then
if vim.lsp.diagnostic.get_count(0, 'Error') == 0 then
vim.cmd('highlight link GalaxyRightLspError GalaxyLeftLspInactive')
vim.cmd('highlight link GalaxyRightLspError GalaxyRightLspErrorActive')
return '!' .. vim.lsp.diagnostic.get_count(0, 'Error') .. ' '
RightLspWarning = {
provider = function()
if #vim.tbl_keys(vim.lsp.buf_get_clients()) <= 0 then
if vim.lsp.diagnostic.get_count(0, 'Warning') == 0 then
vim.cmd('highlight link GalaxyRightLspWarning GalaxyLeftLspInactive')
vim.cmd('highlight link GalaxyRightLspWarning GalaxyRightLspWarningActive')
return '?' .. vim.lsp.diagnostic.get_count(0, 'Warning') .. ' '
RightLspInformation = {
provider = function()
if #vim.tbl_keys(vim.lsp.buf_get_clients()) <= 0 then
if vim.lsp.diagnostic.get_count(0, 'Information') == 0 then
vim.cmd('highlight link GalaxyRightLspInformation GalaxyLeftLspInactive')
vim.cmd('highlight link GalaxyRightLspInformation GalaxyRightLspInformationActive')
return '+' .. vim.lsp.diagnostic.get_count(0, 'Information') .. ' '
RightLspHint = {
provider = function()
if #vim.tbl_keys(vim.lsp.buf_get_clients()) <= 0 then
if vim.lsp.diagnostic.get_count(0, 'Hint') == 0 then
vim.cmd('highlight link GalaxyRightLspHint GalaxyLeftLspInactive')
vim.cmd('highlight link GalaxyRightLspHint GalaxyRightLspHintActive')
return '-' .. vim.lsp.diagnostic.get_count(0, 'Hint') .. ' '
RightLspHintSeparator = {
highlight = 'GalaxyMapperCommon1',
provider = function()
return ''
RightLspClient = {
highlight = 'GalaxyMapperCommon4',
provider = function()
if #vim.tbl_keys(vim.lsp.buf_get_clients()) >= 1 then
local lsp_client_name_first = vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(tonumber(vim.inspect(vim.tbl_keys(vim.lsp.buf_get_clients())):match('%d+'))).name:match('%l+')
if lsp_client_name_first == nil then
return #vim.tbl_keys(vim.lsp.buf_get_clients()) .. ': '
return #vim.tbl_keys(vim.lsp.buf_get_clients()) .. ':' .. lsp_client_name_first .. ' '
return ' '
separator = ' ',
separator_highlight = 'GalaxyMapperCommon4'
RightLspClientSeparator = {
highlight = 'GalaxyMapperCommon4',
provider = function()
return ''
separator = ' ',
separator_highlight = 'GalaxyMapperCommon4'
RightFileSize = {
highlight = 'GalaxyMapperCommon4',
provider = 'FileSize',
separator = ' ',
separator_highlight = 'GalaxyMapperCommon4'
RightTabStop = {
highlight = 'GalaxyMapperCommon4',
provider = function()
return string.format('%s', .. ':'
RightFileType = {
provider = function()
if == 'utf-8' then
vim.cmd('highlight link GalaxyRightFileType GalaxyMapperCommon4')
vim.cmd('highlight link GalaxyRightFileType GalaxyMapperCommon8')
return string.format('%s',
RightFileEncoding = {
highlight = 'GalaxyMapperCommon4',
provider = function()
local icons = {
dos = '',
mac = '',
unix = ''
if icons[] then
return icons[]
return ''
separator = ' ',
separator_highlight = 'GalaxyMapperCommon4'
RightFileEncodingSeparator = {
highlight = 'GalaxyMapperCommon7',
provider = function()
return ''
separator = ' ',
separator_highlight = 'GalaxyMapperCommon7'
RightPositionNumerical = {
highlight = 'GalaxyMapperCommon2',
provider = function()
return string.format('%s:%s ', vim.fn.line('.'), vim.fn.col('.'))
separator = ' ',
separator_highlight = 'GalaxyMapperCommon2'
RightPositionPercentage = {
highlight = 'GalaxyMapperCommon2',
provider = function ()
local percent = math.floor(100 * vim.fn.line('.') / vim.fn.line('$'))
return string.format('%s%s ☰', percent, '%')
separator = ' ',
separator_highlight = 'GalaxyMapperCommon2'
RightPositionSeparator = {
highlight = 'GalaxyMapperCommon2',
provider = function()
return ' '
require ('galaxyline').section.short_line_left = {
ShortLineLeftBufferType = {
highlight = 'GalaxyMapperCommon2',
provider = function ()
local BufferTypeMap = {
['Mundo'] = 'Mundo History',
['MundoDiff'] = 'Mundo Diff',
['NvimTree'] = 'Nvim Tree',
['fugitive'] = 'Fugitive',
['fugitiveblame'] = 'Fugitive Blame',
['help'] = 'Help',
['minimap'] = 'Minimap',
['qf'] = 'Quick Fix',
['tabman'] = 'Tab Manager',
['tagbar'] = 'Tagbar',
['toggleterm'] = 'Terminal'
local name = BufferTypeMap[] or 'Editor'
return string.format(' %s ', name)
separator = ' ',
separator_highlight = 'GalaxyMapperCommon7'
ShortLineLeftWindowNumber = {
highlight = 'GalaxyMapperCommon6',
provider = function()
return ' ' .. vim.api.nvim_win_get_number(vim.api.nvim_get_current_win()) .. ' '
separator = '',
separator_highlight = 'GalaxyMapperCommon1'
require ('galaxyline').section.short_line_right = {
ShortLineRightBlank = {
highlight = 'GalaxyMapperCommon6',
provider = function()
if == 'toggleterm' then
return ' ' .. vim.api.nvim_buf_get_var(0, 'toggle_number') .. ' '
return ' '
separator = '',
separator_highlight = 'GalaxyMapperCommon1'
ShortLineRightInformational = {
highlight = 'GalaxyMapperCommon2',
provider = function()
return ' Neovim '
separator = '',
separator_highlight = 'GalaxyMapperCommon7'
file :: ~/.config/nvim/lua/nvim-solarized-lua.lua :: loaded via tjdevries/astronauta.nvim
plugin :: call :: _G.self_color_solarized_dark() call :: _G.self_color_solarized_light()
function _G.self_color_solarized_dark()
vim.g.solarized_italics = 1
vim.cmd('set background=dark')
vim.cmd('colorscheme solarized')
vim.cmd('highlight StatusLine guifg=#073642')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyLeftGitDiffAddActive guibg=#073642 guifg=#00aa00')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyLeftGitDiffInactive guibg=#073642 guifg=#93a1a1')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyLeftGitDiffModifiedActive guibg=#073642 guifg=#ffa003')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyLeftGitDiffRemoveActive guibg=#073642 guifg=#dc322f')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyLeftLspInactive guibg=#073642 guifg=#93a1a1')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyMapperCommon1 guibg=#073642 guifg=#657b83')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyMapperCommon2 guibg=#93a1a1 guifg=#002b36')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyMapperCommon3 guibg=#073642 guifg=#93a1a1')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyMapperCommon4 guibg=#657b83 guifg=#002b36')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyMapperCommon5 guibg=#073642 guifg=#93a1a1')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyMapperCommon6 guibg=#657b83 guifg=#002b36')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyMapperCommon7 guibg=#657b83 guifg=#93a1a1')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyMapperCommon8 guibg=#657b83 guifg=#91a6ba')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyMidFileStatusModified guibg=#073642 guifg=#00aa00')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyMidFileStatusReadonly guibg=#073642 guifg=#ffa003')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyMidFileStatusRestricted guibg=#073642 guifg=#dc322f')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyMidFileStatusUnmodified guibg=#073642 guifg=#93a1a1')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyRightLspErrorActive guibg=#073642 guifg=#dc322f')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyRightLspHintActive guibg=#073642 guifg=#00aa00')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyRightLspInformationActive guibg=#073642 guifg=#258bd2')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyRightLspWarningActive guibg=#073642 guifg=#ffa003')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeCommandInverted guibg=#657b83 guifg=#258bd2')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeCommandUnturned guibg=#258bd2 guifg=#002b36')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeCommonVisualInverted guibg=#657b83 guifg=#d43681')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeCommonVisualUnturned guibg=#d43681 guifg=#002b36')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeEmptyInverted guibg=#657b83 guifg=#93a1a1')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeEmptyUnturned guibg=#93a1a1 guifg=#002b36')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeInsertInverted guibg=#657b83 guifg=#859a00')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeInsertUnturned guibg=#859a00 guifg=#002b36')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeNormalInverted guibg=#657b83 guifg=#93a1a1')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeNormalUnturned guibg=#93a1a1 guifg=#002b36')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeReplaceInverted guibg=#657b83 guifg=#dc322f')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeReplaceUnturned guibg=#dc322f guifg=#002b36')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeShellInverted guibg=#657b83 guifg=#2aa198')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeShellUnturned guibg=#2aa198 guifg=#002b36')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeTerminalInverted guibg=#657b83 guifg=#2aa198')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeTerminalUnturned guibg=#2aa198 guifg=#002b36')
function _G.self_color_solarized_light()
vim.g.solarized_italics = 1
vim.cmd('set background=light')
vim.cmd('colorscheme solarized')
vim.cmd('highlight StatusLine guifg=#eee8d5')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyLeftGitDiffAddActive guibg=#eee8d5 guifg=#28a228')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyLeftGitDiffInactive guibg=#eee8d5 guifg=#586e75')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyLeftGitDiffModifiedActive guibg=#eee8d5 guifg=#b8860b')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyLeftGitDiffRemoveActive guibg=#eee8d5 guifg=#dc143c')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyLeftLspInactive guibg=#eee8d5 guifg=#586e75')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyMapperCommon1 guibg=#eee8d5 guifg=#ded8c7')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyMapperCommon2 guibg=#cac4b5 guifg=#586e75')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyMapperCommon3 guibg=#eee8d5 guifg=#93a1a1')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyMapperCommon4 guibg=#ded8c7 guifg=#586e75')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyMapperCommon5 guibg=#eee8d5 guifg=#586e75')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyMapperCommon6 guibg=#ded8c7 guifg=#586e75')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyMapperCommon7 guibg=#ded8c7 guifg=#cac4b5')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyMapperCommon8 guibg=#ded8c7 guifg=#fefefe')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyMidFileStatusModified guibg=#eee8d5 guifg=#28a228')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyMidFileStatusReadonly guibg=#eee8d5 guifg=#b8860b')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyMidFileStatusRestricted guibg=#eee8d5 guifg=#dc143c')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyMidFileStatusUnmodified guibg=#eee8d5 guifg=#586e75')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyRightLspErrorActive guibg=#eee8d5 guifg=#dc143c')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyRightLspHintActive guibg=#eee8d5 guifg=#28a228')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyRightLspInformationActive guibg=#eee8d5 guifg=#258bd2')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyRightLspWarningActive guibg=#eee8d5 guifg=#b8860b')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeCommandInverted guibg=#ded8c7 guifg=#258bd2')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeCommandUnturned guibg=#258bd2 guifg=#ded8c7')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeCommonVisualInverted guibg=#ded8c7 guifg=#d43681')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeCommonVisualUnturned guibg=#d43681 guifg=#ded8c7')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeEmptyInverted guibg=#ded8c7 guifg=#cac4b5')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeEmptyUnturned guibg=#cac4b5 guifg=#ded8c7')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeInsertInverted guibg=#ded8c7 guifg=#859a00')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeInsertUnturned guibg=#859a00 guifg=#ded8c7')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeNormalInverted guibg=#ded8c7 guifg=#cac4b5')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeNormalUnturned guibg=#cac4b5 guifg=#586e75')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeReplaceInverted guibg=#ded8c7 guifg=#dc143c')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeReplaceUnturned guibg=#dc143c guifg=#ded8c7')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeShellInverted guibg=#ded8c7 guifg=#2aa198')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeShellUnturned guibg=#2aa198 guifg=#ded8c7')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeTerminalInverted guibg=#ded8c7 guifg=#2aa198')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeTerminalUnturned guibg=#2aa198 guifg=#ded8c7')
file :: ~/.config/nvim/lua/gruvbox-nvim.lua :: loaded via tjdevries/astronauta.nvim
plugin :: call :: _G.self_color_gruvbox_dark() call :: _G.self_color_gruvbox_light()
function _G.self_color_gruvbox_dark()
vim.g.gruvbox_invert_selection = 0
vim.g.gruvbox_italic = 1
vim.g.gruvbox_sign_column = 'bg0'
vim.cmd('set background=dark')
vim.cmd('colorscheme gruvbox')
vim.cmd('highlight StatusLine guifg=#3c3836')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyLeftGitDiffAddActive guibg=#3c3836 guifg=#27b31a')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyLeftGitDiffInactive guibg=#3c3836 guifg=#ebdbb2')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyLeftGitDiffModifiedActive guibg=#3c3836 guifg=#fe811b')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyLeftGitDiffRemoveActive guibg=#3c3836 guifg=#fb4632')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyLeftLspInactive guibg=#3c3836 guifg=#d5c4a1')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyMapperCommon1 guibg=#3c3836 guifg=#504945')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyMapperCommon2 guibg=#bdae93 guifg=#504945')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyMapperCommon3 guibg=#3c3836 guifg=#ebdbb2')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyMapperCommon4 guibg=#504945 guifg=#ebdbb2')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyMapperCommon5 guibg=#3c3836 guifg=#d5c4a1')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyMapperCommon6 guibg=#504945 guifg=#d5c4a1')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyMapperCommon7 guibg=#504945 guifg=#bdae93')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyMapperCommon8 guibg=#504945 guifg=#91a6ba')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyMidFileStatusModified guibg=#3c3836 guifg=#8ec07c')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyMidFileStatusReadonly guibg=#3c3836 guifg=#fe811b')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyMidFileStatusRestricted guibg=#3c3836 guifg=#fb4632')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyMidFileStatusUnmodified guibg=#3c3836 guifg=#d5c4a1')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyRightLspErrorActive guibg=#3c3836 guifg=#fb4632')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyRightLspHintActive guibg=#3c3836 guifg=#27b31a')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyRightLspInformationActive guibg=#3c3836 guifg=#127fff')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyRightLspWarningActive guibg=#3c3836 guifg=#fe811b')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeCommandInverted guibg=#504945 guifg=#fabd2f')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeCommandUnturned guibg=#fabd2f guifg=#3c3836')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeCommonVisualInverted guibg=#504945 guifg=#fe811b')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeCommonVisualUnturned guibg=#fe811b guifg=#3c3836')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeEmptyInverted guibg=#504945 guifg=#bdae93')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeEmptyUnturned guibg=#bdae93 guifg=#3c3836')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeInsertInverted guibg=#504945 guifg=#83a598')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeInsertUnturned guibg=#83a598 guifg=#3c3836')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeNormalInverted guibg=#504945 guifg=#bdae93')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeNormalUnturned guibg=#bdae93 guifg=#3c3836')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeReplaceInverted guibg=#504945 guifg=#8ec07c')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeReplaceUnturned guibg=#8ec07c guifg=#3c3836')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeShellInverted guibg=#504945 guifg=#d3869b')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeShellUnturned guibg=#d3869b guifg=#3c3836')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeTerminalInverted guibg=#504945 guifg=#d3869b')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeTerminalUnturned guibg=#d3869b guifg=#3c3836')
function _G.self_color_gruvbox_light()
vim.g.gruvbox_contrast_light = 'medium'
vim.g.gruvbox_invert_selection = 0
vim.g.gruvbox_italic = 1
vim.g.gruvbox_sign_column = 'bg0'
vim.cmd('set background=light')
vim.cmd('colorscheme gruvbox')
vim.cmd('highlight StatusLine guifg=#ebdbb2')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyLeftGitDiffAddActive guibg=#ebdbb2 guifg=#27b31a')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyLeftGitDiffInactive guibg=#ebdbb2 guifg=#7c6f64')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyLeftGitDiffModifiedActive guibg=#ebdbb2 guifg=#dc7f27')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyLeftGitDiffRemoveActive guibg=#ebdbb2 guifg=#d83a03')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyLeftLspInactive guibg=#ebdbb2 guifg=#7c6f64')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyMapperCommon1 guibg=#ebdbb2 guifg=#d5c4a1')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyMapperCommon2 guibg=#bdae93 guifg=#7c6f64')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyMapperCommon3 guibg=#ebdbb2 guifg=#7c6f64')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyMapperCommon4 guibg=#d5c4a1 guifg=#7c6f64')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyMapperCommon5 guibg=#ebdbb2 guifg=#7c6f64')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyMapperCommon6 guibg=#d5c4a1 guifg=#7c6f64')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyMapperCommon7 guibg=#d5c4a1 guifg=#bdae93')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyMapperCommon8 guibg=#d5c4a1 guifg=#fbf0c9')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyMidFileStatusModified guibg=#ebdbb2 guifg=#27b31a')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyMidFileStatusReadonly guibg=#ebdbb2 guifg=#dc7f27')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyMidFileStatusRestricted guibg=#ebdbb2 guifg=#d83a03')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyMidFileStatusUnmodified guibg=#ebdbb2 guifg=#7c6f64')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyRightLspErrorActive guibg=#ebdbb2 guifg=#d83a03')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyRightLspHintActive guibg=#ebdbb2 guifg=#27b31a')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyRightLspInformationActive guibg=#ebdbb2 guifg=#127efc')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyRightLspWarningActive guibg=#ebdbb2 guifg=#dc7f27')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeCommandInverted guibg=#d5c4a1 guifg=#dc7f27')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeCommandUnturned guibg=#dc7f27 guifg=#d5c4a1')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeCommonVisualInverted guibg=#d5c4a1 guifg=#ad3b14')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeCommonVisualUnturned guibg=#ad3b14 guifg=#d5c4a1')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeEmptyInverted guibg=#d5c4a1 guifg=#bdae93')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeEmptyUnturned guibg=#bdae93 guifg=#d5c4a1')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeInsertInverted guibg=#d5c4a1 guifg=#076678')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeInsertUnturned guibg=#076678 guifg=#d5c4a1')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeNormalInverted guibg=#d5c4a1 guifg=#bdae93')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeNormalUnturned guibg=#bdae93 guifg=#7c6f64')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeReplaceInverted guibg=#d5c4a1 guifg=#447a59')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeReplaceUnturned guibg=#447a59 guifg=#d5c4a1')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeShellInverted guibg=#d5c4a1 guifg=#d3869b')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeShellUnturned guibg=#d3869b guifg=#d5c4a1')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeTerminalInverted guibg=#d5c4a1 guifg=#d3869b')
vim.cmd('highlight GalaxyViModeTerminalUnturned guibg=#d3869b guifg=#d5c4a1')
file :: ~/.config/nvim/lua/theming.lua :: loaded via tjdevries/astronauta.nvim
examples :: indicators
- paste mode
- spelling check
- trailing whitespace
- mixed indent
- file modified
- file not modifiable
- file readonly
- buffer not utf-8 encoded
examples :: clear :: no git + no lsp
examples :: modes :: solarized-dark
examples :: modes :: solarized-light
examples :: modes :: gruvbox-dark
examples :: modes :: gruvbox-light
@lcrockett looks nice, but to be honest I have no idea how to use this?
@lcrockett looks nice, but to be honest I have no idea how to use this?
@lanox see below
- ensure you'll have the plugin tjdevries/astronauta.nvim loaded and the other colorscheme plugins as listed under the details of my post
- copy the content of the files to the locations as depicted with
file ::
Or you can simply copy the content of the files and reference them in your own init.lua
. Whichever way you'd prefer.
Normal file
With lsp
in startify
Also can I hide the bottom region , the one below galaxyline? (Using nvim nightly)
The fastest and easiest customize status line plugin. Thanks author and everyone for show cases
Page not found bro
Page not found bro
Just click on his username and browse his dotfiles repo for 'galaxyline' or 'statusline' config.
Easy to use with vim-plug.
@skbolton CTRL-V
is '\22'
is '\19'
Nice @xuyuanp. I ended up solving this by typing Ctrl-v Ctrl-v
into the input and vim recognized the chars correctly. I might try swiching to '\22' though because its way clearer.
This is neonline, my take on a galaxyline similar to Spacemac's that also works well with tokyonight.