**Issue Description**: The structural enzyme (SE) sprite looks like a syringe, and on use turns into one, making you think it can be placed in the dart pistol. Not being...
**Issue Description**: If you are a monkey you can't inject yourself with a structural enzyme syringe (SE), despite being able to hold it, and being able to inject yourself with...
**Issue Description**: Putting your head on a monkey's body makes you forget all languages except chimpanzee. **What did you expect to happen**: To remember the languages you've "learnt" during your...
**Issue Description**: Transferring your consciousness into a golem overwrites notes with a single line about serving your master (yourself). **What did you expect to happen**: Keeping your notes. **What happened...
**Issue Description**: A stack of tower-caps turns invisible when you try to cut them while inside a plant bag. **What did you expect to happen**: To be able to cut...
**Issue Description**: The mixing bowl item found in the kitchen has an "Eject ingredients!" button that doesn't do anything. **What did you expect to happen**: To get my items back....
**Issue Description**: The consoles in xenobiology allows you to look at the walls, and to see what is on the other side. **What did you expect to happen**: To not...
**Issue Description**: Pun Pun, the bar pet, cant be put in the gibber located in the freezer. **What did you expect to happen**: Gibbing Pun Pun. **What happened instead**: I...
**Issue Description**: Some silver slime food turn invisible when you try to eat it, or force someone to eat it. Canceling the force feeding gives you an invisible item that...
**Issue Description**: Emping a chameleon voice modulator can turn it into the base headgear. **What did you expect to happen**: Get any other headgear. **What happened instead**: ??Honk?? **Why is...