Chrissie Pollock
Chrissie Pollock
Another on #5470367-zen
The customer came back saying: I was they tested the website with only the Storefront theme and WooCommerce installed. They shared the video/ logs of that test still showing this...
This has been brought up again in #238541-h
Another internal issue regarding this - #216747-h
Sorry. I didn't see this mention @SiobhyB. I don't remember what version I was on. I just tested again, and it doesn't seem as problematic as it was back then,...
Another case - 4380483-zen. The odd thing is that when I use my test site on the Business plan and set it up so it has the same theme and...
Another request (internal ref: #198342-h)
5701147-zen as well.
Another request for this has come in.