Ryosuke Satoh (cocori)
Ryosuke Satoh (cocori)
Need release qnic
Solution: If the qnic is reserved, add the address to the list. otherwise, do nothing. If the qnic address is recoded, it means reserved.
ah, that's a good idea
Possible base action candidates. Resource Preparations (This might be out of scope in the actions) - assign() ... assign single qubit to a variable - validate() ... resource validation in...
> > Reviewed 26 of 26 files at r2, all commit messages. > > _[Reviewable](https://reviewable.io/reviews/sfc-aqua/quisp/415)_ status: all files reviewed, 2 unresolved discussions (waiting on @Chibikuri) > > _[`quisp/rules/Active/actions/DoublePurifyAction_test.cc` line 218...
This is the same as my build problem. I haven't solved this yet though. You could use docker version if you want.
If you treat quantum teleportation as an application, it might be out of the focus of RuleSet (If you mean "rule" by the rule in the RuleSet). Instead, you can...
Ryosuke Satoh, Computer Science