
Results 182 comments of Canato

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@ritu-patidar can you reproduce on the sample app? Could you provide a video of the issue on the sample app? Thanks!

@Jabeen-Akkalkot 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 THIS LIBRARY IS NOT MAINTAINED, PLEASE READ THIS 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 #818 Please open a question into `discussions` on the new repo

Hey! I start a new project to handover this library The ideia is that we keep improving because this project don’t have updates since `2018` Hope I can count...

Hey! I start a new project to handover this library The ideia is that we keep improving because this project don't have updates since `2018` Hope I can count...

@yasinhajilou 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 THIS LIBRARY IS NOT MAINTAINED, PLEASE READ THIS 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 #818 I start a new project to handover this library The ideia is that we keep improving because...

THIS LIBRARY IS NOT MAINTAINED, PLEASE READ THIS #818 I start a new project to handover this library The ideia is that we keep improving because this project don’t...

> @Abhishek95872 how you edited the library ? @ashcode1997 We have a new project handover from this one, where we are fixing it all.

please check [this](

Hey! I start a new project to handover this library The ideia is that we keep improving because this project don’t have updates since `2018` Hope I can count...