
Results 182 comments of Canato

🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 THIS LIBRARY IS NOT MAINTAINED, PLEASE READ THIS 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 #838 To avoid your issues, please use the latest updated library: 100% kotlin All bugs fixes active community 25k...

@Raj-spbi @BlackBlind567 @fmaxx @r4jjin @naveenchoudhary947

@sitaram-gupta the right is update to the new project, so everything will work. A guide [how to update](

Did you checked the case with old OSs for Huawei phones and Samsung ones that change the default Android path for the `content://` schema folder? This was one of the...

@sitaram-gupta yes, we even have a sample in Java. But if find any bugs please raise a issue or PR ^^

> @Canato can you keep here sample for the java ? I couldn't get run from above as there is a lot of errors in java while building project. @sitaram-gupta...

@r4jjin please use the new repository for questions and issues. Check the sample folder, there is a Java sample there using the library

> Android 11 using camera crop not working intent data is null please help asap @hareshmunjapara update your library to

> @Canato i am using java code please solve it @hareshmunjapara update your library to It work with Java. If don't work, open an issue. Here is the sample...

@r4jjin agree, please feel free to drop some PR with samples =D