Android-Image-Cropper icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Android-Image-Cropper copied to clipboard

Workaround solution for Android 30

Open Arise opened this issue 3 years ago • 4 comments

Starting with Android 30 external apps no longer can access directly files, so the solution would be to use a custom file provider.

You will have to do those changes:

In CropImage class, add a string customFileProvider :

public static String customFileProvider= "com.theartofdev.edmodo.cropper.genericFileProvider"; // the value is meaningless here, because you will need to override this anyway

Next change getCaptureImageOutputUri function as:

  public static Uri getCaptureImageOutputUri(@NonNull Context context) {
    Uri outputFileUri = null;
    File folder = context.getExternalCacheDir();
    File getImage = new File(folder.getPath(), "pickImageResult.jpeg");
    if (getImage != null) {
      if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.N) {
    	  outputFileUri = FileProvider.getUriForFile(context, customFileProvider,getImage);
      } else{
    	  outputFileUri = Uri.fromFile(getImage);
    return outputFileUri;

And in getCameraIntent and getCameraIntents you will need to add the permissions as:


In your app, add the true value for:

CropImage.customFileProvider  = ""+".genericfileprovider";

Just before making your call to the CropImage library:


And at last you need to define the file provider in your AndroidManifest.xml (not going to explain this as is a bit out of the scope).

Arise avatar Feb 11 '21 17:02 Arise


I start a new project to handover this library

The ideia is that we keep improving because this project don’t have updates since 2018 Hope I can count with your help.

Open to contribute, next pieces of work will be Android 11 permissions, refactor into Kotlin and ActivityContract

OBS: This issue was solved on the new library =)

Canato avatar Feb 17 '21 10:02 Canato

@Arise Nice man.. It actually worked.. I was wondering what setOutputUri() is.. Then figured out Uri outputUri = Uri.fromFile(new File(requireActivity().getExternalCacheDir(),"image.jpg"));, if anyone required.. Thanks folk..

Abhishek95872 avatar Feb 18 '21 14:02 Abhishek95872

@Abhishek95872 how you edited the library ?

ashcode1997 avatar Feb 23 '21 14:02 ashcode1997

@Abhishek95872 how you edited the library ?

@ashcode1997 We have a new project handover from this one, where we are fixing it all.

Canato avatar Feb 23 '21 16:02 Canato