
Results 47 comments of CanCanZeng

Hi, @interactivetech , do you know how to get the lensDistortionLookupTable? I searched for a long time but did not find any example. I also want to undistort the image...

@chaiyujin Thank you for your advice. I find this API but I do not know how to use it. Actually I do not know much about swift or object-c, so...

I'm trying to build an application on top of ARKit, but I suspect that the image returned by ARKit is distorted, so I want to undistort the image and see...

Acutally I segment a small part of this big point cloud, the effect I mentioned above still exists, but not very obviously. I upload my file to dropbox, hope it...

Hi @alemuntoni , is this bug fixed? I tried the newest release 2022.2, AppImage format, it still has the same issue.

The current problem shown in the image below, some of the trajectory of feature are all white. ![Screenshot from 2022-08-03 17-59-29](

Thank you for your help! I will look into these code.

Hi, I'm trying to calibrate a velodyne HDL32 lidar with a camera, as you said, the fast-lio can be used to get denser point cloud, but I find that the...

我也是只改了bag包的路径,然后运行程序,标定的结果也不好。我的环境是ubuntu16.04, eigen3.3.4, pcl-1.7, ceres-1.14.0。你找到问题的原因了吗? @nkliuhui

我测试了indoor1.bag 和outdoor1.bag,都是类似的情况Rough calibration刚开始几次是朝着正确的方向在优化,后来就突然朝着错误的方向一直走了。 试过了把add_error去掉,也不对。最后去掉了roughCalib得到的结果看起来才是正确的,不过也还是存在一些明显的匹配错误,例如outdoor1.bag柱子上面颜色贴错了,可能是rgb图内参有点误差造成的。 ![Screenshot from 2021-07-30 23-55-18]( 请问这是正常现象吗,我感觉使用的是提供的demo数据,应该是不做任何修改就能得到正确的结果才对。 @ChongjianYUAN