Results 53 comments of Blecki

For the factions phrases and such - that's in. I rewrote all their dialogue in the conversion to yarn spinner. They are distinct, and more importantly, consistent internally.

It looks like the dwarf layer library is not loading. I could see this happening if the graphics device was lost at a very, very bad moment. I don't see...

Issue with it showing the wrong dwarf is fixed in master, slated for the next update. Why this is also affecting performance requires more research.

In progress. On Wed, Aug 15, 2018, 1:32 PM com1clyf3 wrote: > @Blecki This get finished? > > — > You are receiving this because you were mentioned. > Reply...

Yeah, got the structure in place to allow it to download mods in the background today. On Sun, Aug 19, 2018 at 5:42 PM, Matthew Klingensmith < [email protected]> wrote: >...

Why do we have a Sprint for mod support? First it would be impossible to implement in a week, second everything is done except steamworks. Same for trading. We have...

Did the problem begin after building summoning circles? If so I think the issue may be that their movement task is being interrupted in the middle of using the teleporter....

This fix is in the release candidate I just pushed to steam. Assuming, of course, that the cause is what I thought it was. The only way I've been able...

I moved them into the chunk geometry effectively making that optimization pointless. On Mon, Jul 9, 2018, 2:47 PM com1clyf3 wrote: > I thought we had discussed outlining large areas...

There's only one size of dig task. Do this and users will just wonder why their big task didn't get priority.