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Production: June 18th - Sept 1st Implementation, prototpying, redesigning, revising, UI.

Open com1clyf3 opened this issue 6 years ago • 5 comments

  • [x] Near start of August, design a unified UI, now that most mechanics are decided.

Leftovers from last sprint #724 that are nearly done:

  • [x] Agree on most of the design

  • [x] Decide what features are priority, what's wishlist,

  • [x] Decide what is doable in the amount of time we have, and from that decide our feature set

  • [x] Revise GDD to reflect decided game vision and feature set, in order to serve as a reference and living doc moving forward.

  • [x] Agree on game vision (90% agreed but being polished)

com1clyf3 avatar May 31 '18 19:05 com1clyf3

  • [x] Production schedule being implemented!

  • [x] 1 July 29th to August 4th Dwarf Interaction

  • [x] 2 Aug 5-11 Mod Support

  • [x] 312-18 Build/defend

  • [x] 419-25 Magic

  • [x] 5 Aug 26th to Sept 1 Trade interaction

com1clyf3 avatar Jul 26 '18 16:07 com1clyf3

Why do we have a Sprint for mod support?

First it would be impossible to implement in a week, second everything is done except steamworks.

Same for trading. We have that.

On Jul 26, 2018 12:38 PM, "com1clyf3" [email protected] wrote:

  • Production schedule being implemented!

1 July 29th to August 4th Dwarf Interaction

2 Aug 5-11 Build/defend

312-18 Mod support

419-25 Magic

5 Aug 26th to Sept 1 Trade interaction

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Blecki avatar Jul 26 '18 17:07 Blecki

Whatever can't be finished in the sprint will get touched again for polish in September. And then finished in October. The purpose of these initial pushes is to make sure we either have the feature in the game to build upon and/or we are up to speed with whatever the issue is, so we know how to work with it going forward. If, by some way, we find we have extra time, we can always work on the wishlist!

com1clyf3 avatar Jul 26 '18 17:07 com1clyf3

Sprint 1 #801 finished fairly well. Few straggling tasks were added to wishlist. Sprint 2 switched to Mod support, since we happened to be working on it atm.

com1clyf3 avatar Aug 07 '18 16:08 com1clyf3

Sprints got melted down into a general feature list to be finished by September. Blecki leading on mod support. Matt on just about everything else.

com1clyf3 avatar Aug 23 '18 21:08 com1clyf3