Results 53 comments of Blecki

Okay - they have a species limit of 50, and I've confirmed that still functions. Are you saving and reloading during this?

So get this... it checks the population limit before laying an egg, but not when it hatches. But the unhatched egg doesn't count against the population limit. This would allow...

I was able to duplicate the problem and fix a bug somewhere else, so it's at least not only migration. I was able to get from 17 birds to 2053...

Hit ~ and look for a list of species counts. How many birds does it say you have? On Sun, Jul 28, 2019 at 8:45 AM merticois wrote: > [image:...

Species limit is 50, so it looks like that's working as intended (the game has no concept of chickens being birds - as fair as it's concerned, they are completely...

Most likely you're CPU bound and have maxed out a core, with nothing left the game can currently offload. On Sun, Jul 28, 2019, 11:30 merticois wrote: > I will...

Can you do one thing to confirm something for me? Sell all your resources on the market. Everything. If the performance returns, I'll know what the issue is. Also -...

Any chance you grabbed the update I put up this morning first? For the other issue; hover over the task in the task list to see what's causing them to...