
Results 150 comments of BingLingGroup

> Does the same languages srt converter need google api ? > I don't use translate different languages services. 如果你指的是语音识别是否需要翻译api,这个答案是不需要,具体语音识别和翻译api的区别和来源参考 #111 至于只输入源语言选项却提示要翻译api的情况,是一个已知的bug,可以参考 #136

> > > Does the same languages srt converter need google api ? > > > I don't use translate different languages services. > > > > > > 如果你指的是语音识别是否需要翻译api,这个答案是不需要,具体语音识别和翻译api的区别和来源参考...


This [release]( includes ffmpeg. No need to install it separately.

> Hello, I wanted to say I love you. > I was about to rip my head off with this lame README that this repo has, but your version makes...

> My issue was on the: > "pip install git+ ffmpeg-normalize" > command, it couldn't find git at all, but I just added the path to the path enviroment variable...


@erintesden Just use the 32bit python.

Please use this version

You can use this version This is a known issue #136.