Bengt Lüers

Results 90 comments of Bengt Lüers

This also happens with the current release of atom (and apm): ``` $ atom --version 0.120.0-b3c2417 $ apm --version apm 0.83.0 npm 1.4.4 node 0.10.26 python 2.7.5 git 1.9.3 ```

I would like to use this image in my GitLab pipelines, so a smaller version without an entrypoint like this would be highly appreciated. Is there any update on this?...

Thanks for improving SourceForge. However, by comparison with GitLab's monthly (!) releases, these changes look like bringing a knife to a gunfight:

Additional alternatives:

As a workaround, I used the `rocm/dev-ubuntu-20.04` docker image, installed `rccl` via apt and then `tensorflow-rocm` via pip. Here are some successful jobs executing this approach:

I created base images for use in TensorFlow ROCm projects:

See #22 for an successful attempt at this.

Thanks for the report, @gergalerg. I am glad the code from my pull request works for you.

Sorry, I have no insight on the specifics of the GNOME shell's javascript-API. I just made the pull request after I got it working for myself.

Hi, @gforcada! I am happy to see that you picked up GitHub actions for this project. As far as I can see, you are not ["eating your own dog food"](