Bengt Lüers

Results 90 comments of Bengt Lüers

I am trying to install AMD's Vulkan implementation: ``` amdgpu-install --vulkan=amdvlk ``` When starting Unreal Engine from within the Steam environment and in vulkan-mode like so: ``` ~/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime/ \ ./Engine/Binaries/Linux/UnrealEditor...

After installing the amdgpu-pro Vulkan driver, like so: ``` amdgpu-install --usecase=graphics,opencl,rocm --opencl=rocr --vulkan=pro ``` I still get the same error: ``` [2022.04.12-13.05.09:993][ 0]Message dialog closed, result: Ok, title: WARNING: Known...

I see this error, too. - Distribution: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS - SteamVR version: 1.21.12 - Steam client version: March 14th, 2022 - Opted into Steam client beta: No - Graphics...

@daveisfera I would expect the ideal deployment process to be a GitHub action, that is integrated into the workflow of this project and listens for the tag to be increased...

This issue popped up out of nowhere and to fix it, I had to downgrade ChromaDB to 0.4.14: ```bash venv/bin/python -m pip install --upgrade chromadb==0.4.14 ``` This is weird, because...

I appreciate that there is work towards smoothing the throttling display, and I consider that a worthwhile endeavor. Still, even with some smoothing, a change to the throttling state will...

Activating `throttling_status_graph` does not do anything for me. Are there any requirements other than deactivating `throttling_status`?

I see. So in effect, the recommendation must be to use `throttling_status` or nothing at all on Nvidia. This makes it even more important to provide the nicest possible user...

I think this would be more intuitive than the comment. I needed a few tries to get the URL right, since there are some uncertainties (with or without trailing slash,...