Results 11 issues of BattleAxeVR

Hi there, I am very excited to test and modify this project, however I don't have a dedicated Linux machine currently and would like to run this on Windows with...

FYI, there's something weird between the eyes using single pass stereo mode, on Quest Pro. I will test it on my other Quests to confirm.

more info needed

Hi, I implemented the Touch controller bindings in my branch, do you want me to make a "clean branch" with just that in it and PR it? Would this be...


Per subject, the OpenXR client C++ source code should be largely platform-agnostic. As I've been adding features like Touch controller bindings, body tracking, eye-tracking. I realized there is a lot...


Currently XR_FB_SWAPCHAIN_UPDATE_STATE_VULKAN_EXTENSION_NAME is in XrAppImplVulkan::getXrRequiredExtensions(), and thus Vulkan doesn't run on other non-Quest VR headsets. It works fine on GL ES mode on other headsets though, which don't have this....


Hi there, great resource, but with the latest Vulkan SDK (VulkanSDK- I'm getting a vulkan validation error during startup when I pass in -vk to the command line. Used Visual...

Hi, thanks for adding support for Vulkan SER for all the main shader languages! I got it all running and it's helping me tremendously to integrate it into my own...

Hi, I noticed there is in the source code support for Multi-layer HEVC files. Can you explain a bit more about how it works, and how I can read the...

Hello, when I call xrResumeSimultaneousHandsAndControllersTrackingMETA in my IGL-based PC VR streaming app, in order to enable multi-modal, I get an error: ![image]( Specific Line of code: I originally logged...


Hi there, I'm switching from my old (outdated) NRD integration because it changes too often and is way too much maintenance overhead, so I figured SL would help me out...