Fabien Salathe

Results 21 issues of Fabien Salathe

The documentation explains how to remove components (https://github.com/fingerprintjs/fingerprintjs/blob/master/docs/extending.md#extending-fingerprintjs) but unfortunately it doesn't seems to work well with treeshaking, the components stay in the compiled source. It's possible to get the...


Using `LoadDataFixturesDoctrineCommand` it's possible to choose which purger we want to run (`--purger`) but that's unfortunately not the possible with the executor; `ORMExecutor` is hardcoded in the class (https://github.com/doctrine/DoctrineFixturesBundle/blob/3.4.x/Command/LoadDataFixturesDoctrineCommand.php#L154). I...

It's currently not possible to use a custom key (`x-...`), it can be useful for some frontends, for example Redoc uses `x-logo`. Example: ```yaml nelmio_api_doc: documentation: x-logo: #


Fix https://github.com/nelmio/NelmioApiDocBundle/issues/1710

mdanter/ecc v0.5 requires php ^7.0, the v1 handle php 8 and there is no breaking change Diff between v0.5.2 and v1.0.0: https://github.com/phpecc/phpecc/compare/v0.5.2...v1.0.0 Release note: https://github.com/phpecc/phpecc/blob/master/doc/release-notes-1.0.0.md

### PR checklist - [x] Read the [contribution guidelines](https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md). - [x] Ran the shell script under `./bin/` to update Petstore sample so that CIs can verify the change. (For instance,...

It would be great to have more information about sharding/using multiple databases. Doctrine uses a `ShardManager` interface to get the right connection (using the distribution value) implicitly. It is also...


Web fonts on modern and oldstyle themes are not always loaded when printing. Related: - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11604726/embed-font-face-fonts-when-printing-to-pdf-with-chrome - https://getsatisfaction.com/fontdeck/topics/_font_face_embedded_fonts_do_not_show_up_in_a_print_preview?topic-reply-list%5Bsettings%5D%5Bfilter_by%5D=all [dead]


Some node types are not handle, I tried to run progpilot on some projects using nullable type or group use and I have those errors: - `Unknown Stmt Node Encountered...