Fabien Salathe

Results 71 comments of Fabien Salathe

Thanks for your answer, another solution would be to clone the repository and import the needed typescript modules directly which is maybe the easiest to be sync with the library.

If it can help anyone, I finally achieve it by doing a babel plugin to visit the AST and remove the nodes I don't need. For example, in your `webpack.common.js`:...

I had the same issue a few weeks ago, as a workaround I simply disabled `zsh-syntax-highlighting` plugin.

Thanks for your feedback. It's hard to know why it crash, I have try one 3 laptops and it was smooth. I will update the project to the new react...

![](http://i.imgur.com/cNdTRNR.png) It's a first try but I have a little bug (probably due to the framework I use), stay tuned !

Hi, excuse me for the late reply, I was quite busy. So here a first demo, the know issues is that you have to focus on the application before being...

Thanks to you. I will add a button to quit and change the logo yes ! If it works properly, it will be the next release.

Is there a chance to see this PR merged? It would be really useful for us too, especially when working with big codebases.

Hi, Interesting point but the default box sizing is not really intuitive and almost every framework and dev use box-sizing and it's available almost everywhere but I am open to...