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A PHP Gameserver Status Query Library

Results 48 GameQ issues
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BeamMP support ?

Feature Request
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[![Coverage Status](]( Coverage decreased (-6.8%) to 87.918% when pulling **0bac556cbcd7526bf7df1188e03def4584de84b5 on dns-mocking** into **01700eac12da8729f9ca0561e4c07900df33287b on v3**. _Originally posted by @coveralls in

Feature Request

Any chance to add players list to five m? thay give orginal servers list and thay have players list

Feature Request

A small change to the script to get the FiveM player list and display it with

Feature Request

Hi there, I have a problem with all servers that use the A2S protocol. I'm using the latest GameQ version and I can only query my A2S servers when I...

Rising Storm 2: Vietnam added Epic clients back in 2021 and now the query appears to only count Steam users, where you can in-fact have 10-15 epic users on a...

This appears to relate to #299, with the names of mods and IDs being encoded in chunks. This gets parsed as generic UTF-8 strings and becomes malformed. E.g., using the...

Initial stab at the protocol class for Stationeers with simple tests. Please provide feedback.

Feature Request

Hello Devs, Can you please include stationeers as a protocol. Data from the server can be obtained via the portal server: Output is already as JSON. Link to Portal http://[](

Feature Request

Want to try to clean up the branches list with anything related to closed & merged PRs and features. Can delete them from within the PR itself.

Help Wanted