
Results 16 issues of Atque

Not urgent! I wish for a few improvements of the ephemeris visualization in AstroCalc. * [ ] Being able to change the symbol of the marking. E.g. a cross, a...

state: in progress
subsystem: astrocalc

This is a quite small, but still ugly problem. If you look from e.g. Amalthea or some other moon that is close to its parent planet, the planet will disappear...

state: confirmed
importance: medium

We're currently stuck with calculating positions and phenomena between 1600 and 9999 AD. It would help research and visualization if that range increased, so that we could use AstroCalc fully...


Viewing solar eclipses close to the horizon, we see that the corona texture is not affected by atmospheric refraction. See the screenshot below. ![stellarium-117]( Note how the Moon is squeezed...

importance: low

I would like to be able to show an individual body's orbit even after I have cleared the selection, much like the "isolate constellation" feature works. I guess there is...


Using my 2560x1440 monitor, ShowMySky GUI lifts the horizon above the center of the screen when running window maximized, see the screenshot below: ![bild]( Reloading shaders does not help, nor...

As per #3719, we can export a raster image of the shadow path of the Moon during a solar eclipse. It would be nice if this could be shown directly...


This was briefly mentioned but not properly reported in #3720. Very precise total solar eclipses, such as the 3rd October 1986 eclipse, show a strange dark and pixelated halo around...

state: confirmed
importance: medium

A few ideas of interesting calculations that could be added to the AstroCalc module: - [ ] Extreme declination of planet - [ ] Closest approach/furthest from Earth - [x]...


While the archaeoastronomy plugin is useful, I sometimes miss having the lunar nodes (ascending/descending) marked in the sky. A similar idea is to show the point at which the current...
