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AstroCalc: Wider range of dates
We're currently stuck with calculating positions and phenomena between 1600 and 9999 AD. It would help research and visualization if that range increased, so that we could use AstroCalc fully for e.g. antiquity.
This is more than obvious. 1600 is a technical restriction which we want to lift ourselves. Just that it takes some effort...
Hope this could be soon implemented. Many historical events like star of Betlehem now are only known graphically and it is difficult to be precise. Thanks
Well, I can apply fast solution for this issue if I switch input fields for dates into using JD (with traditional dates as tooltips for JD) - is it acceptable?
@gzotti ?
Sorry, too busy to do much this week. I'd like to have a look how the calendar interface works, later today or this weekend.
@alex-w Couldn't one simply translate the JD into pre-Greogrian dates?
@Atque AstroCalc uses a date panel which is apparently limited to the post-1600 Gregorian calendar. Of course, "one can simply translate that...". Just that somebody must do it.
@gzotti I understand. I'm just brainstorming here.
@alex-w About JD; I don't think JD should be used post-1600. I think it would confuse most people.
Julian date is a good help as an intermediate step because there are some calculators that could change to day-month and year
@AntonioYague We know that and use JD internally. The QDateTime widget is the problem. It only works in the Gregorian calendar, and for dates past Jan 1st, 100AD GREGORIAN. We can set it to allow dates from October 15, 1582, but earlier dates will cause confusion. The proper solution obviously is a replacement widget or some entirely new GUI element.
Note for ourselves: Also see
We may use idea from AstroCalc/Eclipses tool - switch from DateFrom/DateTo to YearSince/TimeDepth
I am much in favour of this option. We can just use full calendar years also here.
I am much in favour of this option. We can just use full calendar years also here.
No, IMHO from year/month to year/month will be better
Whichever solution, just allow Julian/pre-1600 calendar dates.