Kumar Atish
Kumar Atish
> Seems there are some copy-pastes for checking `ovs-ofctl dump-flows` and `"ovs-ofctl dump-groups`. Could you help to refactor them to shared functions? done.
@tnqn @xliuxu Can you please review this PR ? Thanks.
@tnqn Can you please review this PR ?
@tnqn Can you please review this PR ? Thanks.
> @Atish-iaf release-1.9 code freeze is tomorrow, do you have time to add unit test so we can include it in 1.9? Sorry, I cannot make it before 1.9
### 1. Create a new component for Egress in Traceflow kind-worker2 is Egress Node Expeced Output: - [ ] When Egressing from same Node ``` root@kind-worker:/# antctl tf -S default/nginx...
> * why is the `Egress` component after the `Forwarding` component? I think from an implementation perspective at least, the `Forwarding` component is populated based on information such as the...
I am interested to work on this issue.
@tnqn Can you please review this PR ? Thanks
> Traceflow related e2e test failed, please check @tnqn I had checked it but i don't think it is related to change in this PR.