Arushi Singhal
Arushi Singhal
@championswimmer @abishekvashok Signup is not working in app. 
Is this issue solved?
Hello @bajajerk I am working on this, but If I will not end up with the solution, I'll pass this on to you :) .
Hello If the task is still not complete, I want to contribute to this task.
Yes, we should hide the dropdown when there is no team. @ramonh should I go ahead to solve this issue?
Hello F3PiX I want to work on this feature. I opened some of the issues already. Please share some ideas about how I can improve the Team's App more.
@F3PiX thanks. I will first try to complete those two tasks and then move to this task.
@championswimmer @prateek27 when on the page and clicked on the Coding block icon it is not redirecting to the home page. 
For good design in the competition tag if we select any option (hackerblock or BOSS) it should open in new tab. 
@yeasy I want to work on this task