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Find a bug / suggest a feature

Open championswimmer opened this issue 7 years ago • 21 comments

Win 20 bounty points by doing either -

  • Find a bug

For this you have to mention expected result, and actual outcome, and post screenshots (if required) to substantiate. Vague bug reports that can't be reproduced will not be entertained


  • Suggest a feature

Suggest a feature that can be added. Flesh it out with technical details, and steps required to implement. Post mocks (if required) to explain the feature. It will be considered for bounty if the maintainers consider the feature suggestion valid and decide to work on it.

For either case, file a bug or suggest a feature by opening a new issue.

championswimmer avatar Apr 17 '17 16:04 championswimmer

Replace the current testimonial slider with a masonry grid, with a lightbox, containg testimonial data from THESE testimonial images. This way we can add many more reviews to the pages, all visible at the same time; but the same is not possible with the current slider.

More Reviews=>More schema data=>Google loves you.

thenamankumar avatar Apr 24 '17 08:04 thenamankumar

On 24 April 2017 at 14:24, Naman Kumar [email protected] wrote:

masonry grid

SHould we do it in a separate reviews page ?

championswimmer avatar Apr 24 '17 12:04 championswimmer

Yeah we can even design a separate testimonial page and arrange reviews category wise, then in that case masonry won't be a nice suggestion, we can have any other design for it.

On the review page we can use microdata and put all the required information on the page. And then we can put just the aggregate rating schemas on course pages rather than puting reviews schemas, like the below ss and link to the testimonial page:

thenamankumar avatar Apr 24 '17 12:04 thenamankumar

@championswimmer looking forward to work the testimonial page, please create a separate issue.

Also bug found at Interview Prep Page and resolved here:

thenamankumar avatar May 19 '17 18:05 thenamankumar

@hereisnaman Yes we should have student testimonial page, along with a filter to sort testimonials course wise.

prateek27 avatar May 20 '17 19:05 prateek27

@prateek27 sure sir, in pipeline.

thenamankumar avatar May 20 '17 19:05 thenamankumar


Contents of navbar are not aligned properly.

JeetuGoel avatar Jun 25 '17 07:06 JeetuGoel

@championswimmer @prateek27 when on the page and clicked on the Coding block icon it is not redirecting to the home page. imageedit_1_8900677811

ArushiSinghal avatar Jun 25 '17 19:06 ArushiSinghal

For good design in the competition tag if we select any option (hackerblock or BOSS) it should open in new tab. imageedit_4_4362710047

ArushiSinghal avatar Jun 25 '17 20:06 ArushiSinghal

@championswimmer we can add a AJAX preloader for our site, on slow network it will enhance user experience.

AshishkrGoyal avatar Aug 08 '17 06:08 AshishkrGoyal

cb resources menu

The contents of the selected menu item is hardly visible on this page. change the font color to red(or something you want to).

till-tomorrow avatar May 15 '18 02:05 till-tomorrow

screenshot from 2018-05-18 21-29-03 Titles like Resources and Campus Ambassadors are overlapping

Yagya-Chaudhary avatar May 18 '18 16:05 Yagya-Chaudhary

Add feature for feedback . @championswimmer Refference to #536

Rupeshiya avatar Jul 15 '18 09:07 Rupeshiya

when on the page and clicked on the readmore button of every section then it is not using correct route path. For instance: i am on javascript section of resources and click on Read More button then it is redirecting to Expected Result: It should open Actual Outcome: GitHub page not found

shubhamjaintech avatar Aug 08 '18 10:08 shubhamjaintech

We can add hero sliders for the online and classroom courses for the main site. We can use third party scripts for this. I have already done so for the online courses in this pull request.

crusader2000 avatar Jul 16 '19 05:07 crusader2000

bug - when clicking on the link the text get overwritten resources and campus ambassadors link

Annotation 2020-05-16 083009

prykdev avatar May 16 '20 03:05 prykdev

Screenshot_2020-05-21-13-21-16-36 Need to login again and again

chiraggoel360 avatar May 21 '20 07:05 chiraggoel360

Screenshot_2020-05-21-13-24-32-10 Cant load the google map even the location is enabled

chiraggoel360 avatar May 21 '20 07:05 chiraggoel360

15900491680058082781603548206758 There must be link to copy

chiraggoel360 avatar May 21 '20 08:05 chiraggoel360



  1. issue#886

  2. issue#887

  3. issue#888

  4. issue#889





  • It's a genral convention to close a window on the right side,hence it terms of UX ,the close sign when kept on the right,would be more beneficial.
  1. break between the content

  • the two headers and their date would look better,if there is a break/space given.

ADITIJ700 avatar May 27 '20 16:05 ADITIJ700

Their is no Rate Limit on Codingblocks Login Through OTP. Impact :-- Attacker Might Takeover the user account by bruteforcing OTP.

singhdharmveer311 avatar Jul 31 '20 04:07 singhdharmveer311