Mingye Wang

Results 263 issues of Mingye Wang

A lot of people are requesting ticktick for some other shell *x*sh where debug facilities may be nonexistent. A way to get that job done is to write a function...

Recapturing a machina portal is known to grant 1331 AP bonus in addition to the regular capture AP. The AP gain calculation displayed on machina portals does not take it...

This project does not have a manpage when it... probably should. Thinking that Debian might have written one, I went out to look for the old rsbep 0.0.5. The result?...

**Describe the bug** The current releases use CEF_ARCHIVE_FORMAT set to tarbz. This is extremely slow to decompress. Bzip2 unpacks slower than xz and does not even compress better. **To Reproduce**...


The OpenBSD man website is similar to this one in that it also takes the `mandoc -Thtml` output, but it just looks a lot better. The [man.cgi](https://man.openbsd.org/man.cgi.8) code is part...

Cantarell 在設計上強調 Legibility,即(形狀上的)可讀性。漢字由於筆劃數量較多,熒幕(尤其是 loDPI)上的可讀性一直成為問題。 Microsoft 在 TrueType 字型檔案格式中提供一組可編程的 TrueType Bytecode 系統,系統在算繪字型時會運行這段 Bytecode 變換形狀優化輸出(一般是對齊到像素點上,所謂「gridfitting」)。傳統以來一直是字型設計者手工加入此小程式,費時費力,有時還會如 Monotype 經手 Hinting 的「微軟雅黑」那樣到處出事。 [Belleve Invis](http://typeof.net/2014/m/introducing-sfdhanautohint.html) 的 [sfdhanautohint](https://github.com/be5invis/sfdhanautohint) 能夠由程式自動產生 Bytecode 小程式,看算繪結果應該是很不錯的。我今天稍微測試了一下,用調參工具得到 `--MIN_STEM_WIDTH=30 --MOST_COMMON_STEM_WIDTH=80` 下的輸出如下: ![微調結果](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/6459309/12405795/3f491c28-be15-11e5-88a3-72c95159b395.png) (LCD RGB...

Chrome console error: ``` overpass-cfn-production.tilestream.net/api/interpreter:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED build.js:1346 Error: [object ProgressEvent] at XMLHttpRequest.errorFunc (build.js:23719) (anonymous) @ build.js:1346 build.js:1554 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'features' of undefined at...

#12 列出的字元中有這些還沒有換成相容性較好的正式字元,需要 webfont 支援顯示: * U+F4D6:糹 * U+2FFF:注音 IDC,隨個數不同行為還不一樣? * U+312E:就是空白注音? 另外后兩個還需要在「漢字組建」的 README 裡面提到,算是對自訂擴充加文檔吧。

在用網頁端的時候覺得很奇怪,為什麼進去一個「˪」得到的卻是個「˫」一樣的東西。後來去看了一下 [U+02EB](https://codepoints.net/U+02EB?lang=en) 的正確形狀,才知道是微軟正黑體把兩個調搞反了。

On Debian 12 which uses systemd, fail2ban simply dies because `paths-debian.conf` points a legacy, nonexistent path. See https://superuser.com/questions/1830245/i-cant-get-fail2ban-working-on-debian-12. There is already an upstream Debian patch for that: https://sources.debian.org/patches/fail2ban/1.1.0-4/update_backend_system.diff/. Considering that...
