Mingye Wang

Results 263 issues of Mingye Wang

Rust 的 std::fmt 在 `wasm32-unknown-unknown` 里面是没有效果的。目前的解决方案暂时是覆盖了一个 `输出` 的实现,但其他的几个 builtin 还没被顾上。如果一个个去覆盖的话很麻烦,得看看有什么办法把整套东西都改了。 之前有个 `wasm-glue` 包可以勾输出,但是用的内部接口被新版扬了。现在搞不好得走 wasi……

目前组合拳、载体完全没有出现在语言中,主要是因为 Monkey 本身就没有任何把类型变成字符串的方式。要把这个加进语言,可以: * 给个 typeof,返回类型本身的……构造器? * 给个 builtin `Array(...)`(PUA 名组合拳),生成传入参数组成的数组 * 给个 builtin `Hash(...)`(PUA 名载体),生成传入参数组成的字典——`Hash(99, 1, "a", 2)` 就是 `{ 99: 1, "a": 2 }` * 构造器提供专门的 `fmt::Display`,显示其本身的名称

The new CTA-861-H(?) has a CVT-RBv3 with possibly too many options. The screenshot is from the newer (and free-of-charge) CTA-861-I. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6459309/229018658-ccc1202f-1fd4-4044-a839-073f3e55876d.png) There's also an annex U "optimized video timing" (OVT)...

ProjectABE appears to be compiling all .cpp files twice, resulting in build failures for all such projects. For example, with `ArduboyBeep.cpp`, `ld` will complain about some symbol defined both in...

bsdconv's GB2312 table which comes from unicode.org and went missing after EASTASIA charts became obsolete is, to some extent, similar to Unicode's Big5 table in quality. (I will use unicode.org's...

GB2312, which is just a table without binary numbers, have various interchangable encodings like EUC-CN (the common "gb2312" encoding which looks like GBK) and HZ (which uses escapes). Bsdconv's current...

Current GB18030's DBCS subset (aka "GBK") data: * should be updated with a U+E7C7/U+1E3F swap in GB18030-2005, * may use 24 [Unicode 4.1](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GB_18030#PUA) mappings instead of the PUA code points...

Windows has pretty shabby support for fallocate; by that I am saying there is NO distinction between valid vs. allocated space, but Microsoft nevertheless has a SetFileValidData thing that allows...

Needs Help

posix_fallocate is supposedly more widespread than the Linux-only fallocate. Maybe it should be a fallback on whatever BSD AIX systems?


Over at https://observablehq.com/@jobleonard/mario-klingemans-stackblur there is a modernized shift table. There are a few things useful to this repo: * Correctness: the shift operator is corrected from `>>` to `>>>` so...
