This is my code: if (m_reading == m_renderFrame) { m_reading = 0; } //Pass3 save position and normal map data if (!m_reading) { m_count++; for (int face = 0; face...
Hi, I am trying to use it in BGFX project( But I found the line Is the shared_handle a D3D11 SharedTexture resources? If I want to pass it to...
On OnInit(): ``` m_deviceResources->RegisterDeviceNotify(this); m_deviceResources->SetWindow(Win32Application::GetHwnd(), GetWidth(), GetHeight()); m_deviceResources->InitializeDXGIAdapter(); mNativeDxrSupported = IsDirectXRaytracingSupported(m_deviceResources->GetAdapter()); ThrowIfFalse(EnableComputeRaytracingFallback(m_deviceResources->GetAdapter())); ``` When run to EnableComputeRaytracingFallback() and it return false, the program is throw a error. Is my fault...
When I config the start page to http://xxxxxxx or https://xxxxxx, it will crash. Maybe the network component don't be actived?
I download the EAWebkit,and open the solution with Visual Studio 2017 and Visual Studio 2015. but VS tell me _"can't found import project “C:\packages\Framework\3.34.00\data\FrameworkMsbuild.tasks”"_ , then all the project...