### Motivation There is only a simple word `Default message retention time/size` on `defaultRetentionTimeInMinutes=0` and `defaultRetentionSizeInMB=0` in broker.conf. I think it is not clear for users because `0` and `-1`...
Master Issue: https://github.com/apache/pulsar/issues/16521 ### Motivation - Fixes https://github.com/apache/pulsar/issues/16521 - If the broker responds quickly enough, there may never be concurrency in requests, so we use a `Semaphore` to block the...
email discussion thread: https://lists.apache.org/thread/dbq1lrv03bhtk0lr5nwm5txo9ndjplv0 ### Motivation * See https://github.com/apache/pulsar/issues/16619 ### Modifications * See https://github.com/apache/pulsar/issues/16619 * Most of the Modifications are relevant to `BatchMessageContainerImpl` * Of course there are some tests...
### Motivation * Reduce local REST calll for `org.apache.pulsar.broker.admin.impl.PersistentTopicsBase#internalGetReplicatedSubscriptionStatus` ### Modifications * Call local method if partition is owned by this broker, or call REST api usng internal `AdminClient` ###...
### Motivation Cleanup unused sync method in NamespacesBase ### Modifications Removing `validatePolicies` and `internalSetTopicDispatchRate` ### Verifying this change - [ ] Make sure that the change passes the CI checks....
### Motivation A minor improvement by removing check `ack.getMessageIdsCount() == 1` for cumulative ack, making the code more clear and effective. Because we have checked it before at line418 ###...
discuss mail-thread: https://lists.apache.org/thread/cdw5c2lpj5nwzl2zqyv8mphsqqv9vozj ## Motivation - This PIP introduces a way to support batched message using entry filter without having to deserilize the entry, through restricting same properties of messages...
**BUG REPORT** ***Describe the bug*** When we kill the bookie processor and shut it down, sometimes core dump could happen. Core dump log: ``` --------------- T H R E A...
Descriptions of the changes in this PR: ### Motivation Change the log-level to error when `ReadEntryProcessor` throw `IOException`. The reason is that: 1. `IOException` should not happen frequently,so the error...
Descriptions of the changes in this PR: ### Motivation Remove the null-check from `AbstractZkLedgerManagerFactory#newLedgerManagerFactory`. The reason is that: 1. the parameter `layoutManager` in `newLedgerManagerFactory()` method can never be null. So...