Ricardo Mendonça Ferreira

Results 12 issues of Ricardo Mendonça Ferreira

Hi there! On a quick glance at the source of flycast, it seems to support several Dreamcast peripherals (even lightguns!), but it doesn't seem to support maracas for _Samba de...

good first issue

I have words in notepads that have no kanji - they have only hiragana or katakana. Those words are not displayed in notepad quizzes when the question is "kanji first"...

I can't find a way to see the number of entries in a notepad. The only alternative I've found is to "Export Notepad as CSV" and opening the CSV file,...

Hi, Martin! Thank you for your hard and wonderful work on Aedict! I've been using it for many years, and always recommend it to any Japanese learner I meet! There's...

Currently, when I click on a kanji in Yomichan, it shows a rather long list of data about the kanji, even though I'm interested in only a handful. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/22997468/216422269-07c7b6f5-9e69-478d-a0f4-90f3ef9ba172.png) This...

First of all, I want to thank all the crew that worked on and contributed to Chromebrew! You are awesome! 😄 **Describe the bug** I installed chromebrew and the Google...

Hi! It seems that, because my Chromebook (Cyan) has reached its EOL, I'm having issues with Chromebrew compiled packages requiring a more recent version of libc (see #9136). I could...

**Describe the bug** I created a profile with an A4 page size (210 x 297 mm). After scanning images with that profile and saving them as a PDF, the PDF...


**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** I miss some functionality on NAPS2 (and honestly, most of other scanning apps) that I believe I (and others) could...


Olá a todos! Parece que a última atualização feita por @thiagopena no djangoSIGE foi em 12/2019, a última atualização oficial do projeto foi em 04/2021, pelo @rg3915 , e o...