S. Ali Mihandoost

Results 25 issues of S. Ali Mihandoost

how can add target="_blank" to markdown links `[test](http://test.com)` in github?!

cssmin ignore DXImageTransform ! Input ``` css p{ opacity: 0; -ms-filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=0); filter: alpha(opacity=0); } ``` Output ``` css p{opacity:0;-ms-filter:alpha(opacity=0);filter:alpha(opacity=0)} ```

### Could you please check and merge this pull request Sorry for many change in one request if you disagree with some commit please tell me to make a separate...

We usualy check dpi.lv for check dppx in mobile devices for calculate CSS Resolution Whats your idea about calculate css resolution by dppx (if available) and show in the list...

@LeaVerou Nice Project. What do you think about this feature ? Log/Save clients screen resolution and dpi It can be a great list of devices screen dpi and resolution in...

I want to rewrite dpi.lv js with simple angular for faster and more feature For example we need a sort columns by click on header Or we need better search,...

There are so many good article around the world I think its can be better if users submit the links not host the whole of article What you think ?

I think antiscroll not user friendly (in codding) Check my fork plz Demo : http://jsbin.com/usequl/4/edit What do you think about it ? My Fork : https://github.com/AliMD/1scroll/

Feature/Polyfill Request: Thanks for this great project. Could you please add [Web Components Polyfills](https://github.com/webcomponents/polyfills) Or simple document/advice for contributing.


Check my logs... ```bash $ ssh root@srv-ip 'sudo bash -c "$(wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Jigsaw-Code/outline-server/master/src/server_manager/install_scripts/install_server.sh)"' ``` ``` > Verifying that Docker is installed .......... OK > Verifying that Docker daemon is running...