outline-server icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
outline-server copied to clipboard

API censored/blocked in iran! maybe by SSL handshake or headers!

Open AliMD opened this issue 1 year ago • 0 comments

Check my logs...

$ ssh root@srv-ip 'sudo bash -c "$(wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Jigsaw-Code/outline-server/master/src/server_manager/install_scripts/install_server.sh)"'
> Verifying that Docker is installed .......... OK
> Verifying that Docker daemon is running ..... OK
> Setting PUBLIC_HOSTNAME to external IP ...... OK
> Creating persistent state dir ............... OK
> Generating secret key ....................... OK
> Generating TLS certificate .................. OK
> Generating SHA-256 certificate fingerprint .. OK
> Writing config .............................. OK
> Starting Shadowbox .......................... OK
> Starting Watchtower ......................... OK
> Waiting for Outline server to be healthy .... OK
> Creating first user ......................... OK
> Adding API URL to config .................... OK
> Checking host firewall ...................... OK

CONGRATULATIONS! Your Outline server is up and running.

To manage your Outline server, please copy the following line (including curly
brackets) into Step 2 of the Outline Manager interface:

{"apiUrl":"https://srv-ip:11078/czVxpk__ORu1CXT1Atjukw", "certSha256":"F58E68AC17CC779E4A8C40E439750B5D19C2DCEA815ACDB6C7449CEE2FD2A412"}

If you have connection problems, it may be that your router or cloud provider
blocks inbound connections, even though your machine seems to allow them.

Make sure to open the following ports on your firewall, router or cloud provider:
- Management port 11078, for TCP
- Access key port 20468, for TCP and UDP
$ ssh root@srv-ip 'docker ps -a'
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                              COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS          PORTS                                       NAMES
45bb1d684d8a   containrrr/watchtower              "/watchtower --clean…"   12 minutes ago   Up 12 minutes   8080/tcp                                    watchtower
dad92523fc35   quay.io/outline/shadowbox:stable   "docker-entrypoint.s…"   12 minutes ago   Up 12 minutes                                               shadowbox

Request to API hangs and not responce

curl --insecure https://srv-ip:11078
curl --insecure https://srv-ip:11078/czVxpk__ORu1CXT1Atjukw

But in browser with vpn extention its work! Screen Shot 2022-10-03 at 5 10 26 PM

AliMD avatar Oct 03 '22 13:10 AliMD