Gregory Kramida

Results 107 issues of Gregory Kramida

##### System information (version) - OpenCV => 3.2-dev/master - Operating System / Platform => Ubuntu 16.04 - Compiler => gcc 5.4 ##### Detailed description This is kind-of a feature request,...

category: surface_matching

I'm pretty sure I'm using enqueue_fill_image according to the spec: ``` python import pyopencl as cl #... output = cl.Image(mgr.context, cl.mem_flags.READ_WRITE, cl.ImageFormat(cl.channel_order.RGBA,cl.channel_type.UNSIGNED_INT32), shape = (mgr.cell_width, mgr.cell_height*2)) fill_evt = cl.enqueue_fill_image(mgr.queue,output,np.zeros((4,),dtype=np.uint32),origin=(0,0),region=output.shape) ```...

There is no "in selection" checkbox in the Find & Replace dialog. Notepad++ has this checkbox there, which is used to limit the behavior of "Replace All" to the current...

feature request

Using CMake's [ExternalProject_Add]( to check-out and automatically build dependencies can probably dramatically simplify the build process, esp. on the Windows platform, where more things have to be built from scratch....

This is another enhancement request. It naturally flows out of #5 if the PR is accepted. In order to properly maintain this package and preempt any PR from breaking core...

I'd like to propose introducing support for indexing / data structures (for instance, spatial hashing) that separates data into blocks, and where each block can be processed by a separate...

Hello! I'm attempting to try out Opt on Ubuntu 16.04 right now, and I have encountered problems with the building process. Disclaimer: I have Cuda 9, so I modified the...

@dgrzech Thanks for uploading this, good work, man! I've been trying to reproduce Killing/SobolevFusion results for over a year now. I have an implementation over InfiniTAM Here is canonical in...

Allows to build MLib as a static library on either Windows or Linux platforms (probably will work on Mac OS as well, but haven't tested that). 1. Note: the following...