
Results 412 comments of AlexandreRouma

I'll close as the original issue seems to be resolved. For anyone else who joined, please open your own issue if you still have problems.

What do you mean by "latest build"? Release? Nightly? If you're talking about the latest release, it's from 6 months ago and SDR++ server was only written 2 two months...

Existing keybinds are listed here: there is currently no plan to add more.

closing as stalled

You didn't say what version of SDR++ you're running, but I'll assume it's probably the old .pkg In which case, don't use it, get the nightly build:

old version, use the nightly

Hi, Looks good, though I'd prefer to wait to get back to my weather sat decoder module instead of having yet another standalone decoder, I'll keep the PR open until...

It should be possible. The goal of the wheather sat decoder module will be to decode satellites all the way to the final data without needing external software, so it's...

Have you checked that the behavior remains unchanged when not providing an install prefix? Are you sure this doesn't mean the values will never be overriden when the OS provides...

I see other users can replicate. Don't have access to a RSP2 atm so will take a while to fix