
Results 412 comments of AlexandreRouma

I could cut the trace but then it gets annoying to program the arduino :/ And no, it also happens linux. It's written in the description for the port.set() function...

I tried that but sadly, it still sends a short pulse which resets the MCU :/

Thanks! Gonna try that. I hope they can bring it to linux cause it's suppose to run on an RPi, but that should be enough for testing!

Adding a button just to do the same thing you would do by copying a file is a bit useless imo. You're wasting more time by clicking the button, saving...

Copying that file on MacOS is not much harder. The nightly `.app` bundle puts its config files in `~/Library/Application Support/sdrpp`. Also as mentioned in other threads, I develop "blind" for...

> Maybe it is not stupid idea to buy the Mac mini M1 ( because is a good market price ) and develop this app for Mac users. I don't...

Can't replicate, description unclear. Please show exactly what you mean by "enter manually the frequency" and "the same for the ret"

So what you're trying to say is the mouse cursor doesn't move when a digit is typed? I can't replicate that on windows 10. Unfortunately you haven't mentioned what OS...

close as idle and very likely a GLFW bug as there is 0 reason for anything to stop working like that.

Hello, I don't recommend building yourself on MacOS, it's not yet well supported or easy. Download the prebuilt .app bundle at and install the SDRplay API. It's for intel...