
Results 412 comments of AlexandreRouma

Are you sure you are ubuntu focal? Did you install every listed dependency using apt?

Then something is a bit weird with how the OS is setup. All versions of SDR++ are compiled on a completely clean install of the distro they target. In this...

See the troubleshooting section of the readme. The solution is to remove the SoapySDR source module by deleting its instance in the module manager menu

in that case there must be a bug in libhackrf or libusb

This should probably be brought up to the attention of the codec2 developpers. I load it like any other library, if it doesn't install itself properly it should not be...

the SDRplay API on linux is quite broken. I suspect there is a conflict between SoapySDR and the native source module, Go to the module manager menu, remove the SoapySDR...

The SDRplay API and SoapySDR are two completely different things and are completely independant.

Cubic needs it because Cubic doesn't have specialized code for each SDR vendor, it uses SoapySDR as an abstraction layer. SDR++ talks to the SDRplay API directly.

either your computer is overheating or there's an issue with your graphics drivers. Then UI runs completely separate of the DSP and I know of many users who have let...