Alexandra Livadas
Alexandra Livadas
Adding this to the 26.0.0 project as it is still an issue
Hi @zaliqarosli this issue was created to go along with the general API module testing just to make sure that whoever tested the module also checked out the integration test...
@driusan I am able to see Project, Cohort, and Site data on my VM and on the v26 test VM, I think this issue can be closed
@driusan This is a proposed change to the mri_violations module. Should I make a PR for this for the release?
As of the latest commit: I have created a new tool in the `tools` directory. This tool generates the HTML code coverage report, adds the date that the reports were...
The updated plan for this PR (as of 2020-08-17): - See if the `code_coverage.php` tool will generate the HTML files if it is run through Travis and not locally on...
@christinerogers I will be making a commit this afternoon to update the `.travis.yml` file to test this script on Travis. I will update this comment with the results of that...
Sorry @MaximeMulder I didn't see that you had assigned yourself :)