Alexandra Livadas
Alexandra Livadas
@christinerogers Concerning your comment about re-ordering the sections, I have changed their order to what I think is most valuable for outside developers: 1. Working off your fork, 2. Issues,...
@christinerogers I implemented the changes you requested above and also read through the document to check for tone issues. I removed a majority of the "Code Review Etiquette" section and...
@christinerogers What do you think about @laemtl's comment about adding this to ReadTheDocs?
@christinerogers @driusan Do you mind re-reviewing with the updated RTD formatting? Here is the [link]( to see the RTD view.
@driusan @christinerogers This is ready for review. All links are working and I've read over the content carefully :) Here is a [link ]( the ReadTheDocs
> Other than the requested changes.... I'm not a big fan of the rebasing explanations partly because it's not our duty, these are not LORIS specific rebasing instructions, and partly...
@driusan This PR is ready for review :)
@driusan I just fixed the conflict! The mkdocs version in `readthedocs/requirements.txt` has been updated since this PR was made so the conflict was in that file.
Resolved by #6907
@zaliqarosli I'm pretty sure this issue was resolved by #6907.