Alasdair Gray

Results 45 comments of Alasdair Gray

I have been successfully using [myBinder]( to run a notebook containing SPARQLWrapper code for a few weeks. Towards the end of last week it suddenly stopped working. In trying to...

There is also #102 which seems to be related.

You can fire up this [notebook on myBinder](, run all the cells then select the first query from the dropdown list of available queries 'Number of Triples', and click Execute....

The corresponding curl command works fine ``` curl"SELECT%20%28COUNT%28%2A%29%20AS%20%3Ftriples%29%0AWHERE%20%7B%0A%20%20%20%20GRAPH%20%3Fg%20%7B%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%3Fs%20%3Fp%20%3Fo%0A%20%20%20%20%7D%0A%7D" ```

It seems that things work fine on a Windows machine but not on a Mac (I've been discussing the issue with a colleague), not sure about Linux. We've put in...

Within the [Bioschemas]( proposals we want to track the provenance of where we have reused a property or class definition, or taken inspiration from. For example, the [ChemicalSubstance]( reuses the...

Within the Bioschemas community we are finding the need to harvest data from each individual page is too resource intensive and time consuming, particularly with the rise of single page...

It would be great to have details of how to install alternative kernels in the README or at least a link from the README to some instructions. I've just followed...

We should probably mention the ongoing OBO FOundary work in this area as well that is defining the [SSSOM]( guidelines for exchanging cross-references as a csv file.

Just rediscovered this ticket again. @proccaserra we should keep a separation of concerns around schema/ontology mappings alignments and data instance equivalences (database cross-references). Each has their own exchange formats and...