Alasdair Gray

Results 45 comments of Alasdair Gray

@egonw the notion of primary and secondary identifiers is included in the OPS IMS implementation. Did this make its way back into the BridgeDb codebase?

It would be great to see this follow the hcls community profile. Alasdair J G Gray Fellow of the Higher Education Academy Assistant Professor in Computer Science Herriot-Watt University, Edinburgh...

Can you justify why we should allow loading an empty linkset file? It is a deliberate quality assurance step that the loader performs these test.

We took the view that it is wrong. You have metadata saying there are links between these two data sources but then there are no links. As such, we wanted...

I think your final point is more about the outcome of the linking process rather than the use of the linksets. I would argue that from the use of linksets,...

I was not referring the performance of the loader, but of the computation of links. @egonw can you give a concrete use case where you have a linkset with no...

From the data governance perspective, I think it is better that we weed out the empty linksets as part of the loading process. If they are truely meant to be...

This was just what I was looking for. It would be great to add these instructions to the README.

@danbri is there a reason why DataFeed was chosen as the type rather than DataDownload?

What we are generating don't really fit with the concept of a feed, we are seeing them as a distribution of the Dataset. They seem to fit better with the...