This is more like a question than an Issue. I just wanted to know if nvblox algorithm has been tested on AGX or any Xavier with realsense or any other...
Hello everyone, This is more like a question than an issue. I have the actual hardware and wanted to know if there is any ros2_controller plugin for the open manipulator...
Hello everyone, This is more like a question than an issue. I have the actual hardware and wanted to know if there is any ros2_controller hardware plugin for the open...
Hi Robotis team, Is there any plan to create this package for ROS2 Humble? Or is there any package available to use openmanipulator with camera or inverse kinematics? Thank you,...
Hi all, This is more of a question than an issue. I want to train the model (Owl-ViT) on custom dataset from checkpoint ("google/owlvit-base-patch32" or clip_vit) and want to use...