
Results 7 issues of Hanwen_Yu

**Use case** Recently, I found a triky phenomenon when using MCAS2 to obtain peak from ChIPseq data. **Describe the problem** I compared the peak numbers before and after changing chromosome...

General Question

Hi, I want to cite the package SCDE in my paper. But I do not know how to discribe the rationale of this packages. Most importantly, it is difficlult for...

hi~ I used the R (3.5.0) to install annotables packages. But I got some Errors. Commands: >install.packages("devtools") devtools::install_github("stephenturner/annotables") Errors: > devtools::install_github("stephenturner/annotables") Error in curl::new_handle() : An unknown option was passed...

Hi, I'm confusing about how to get the reproducible peaks from replicates of histone data. The IDR is recommended in ENCODE pipeline for TF ChIPseq data. How about histone data?...

Hi, I'm Hanwen. I saw the usage about sabre on website (https://astrobiomike.github.io/amplicon/demultiplexing). And it is mentioned in the end of this document that the data with one index can be...

Hi Longzhi, I'm sorry to bother you again. We adopted the library contruction method in "SCIENCE" article to generate our Dip-C data. But, The pipeline you provided run successfully, but...

Hi Patrick, First, I really really really hope you could help me. For now, I am working on a research topic and want to use CellNet to access similarity of...